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Vol 13  Issue 649  July 2, 2009

Ardmore, Oklahoma

Email: [email protected]

This week I have added Volume 6 of Betty Carroll’s “Once Upon A Time” audios to the website.


Speaking of bloody Caddo, in 1970 local writer and Ardmoreite Louise Riotte published an article about bloody Caddo in a national old west magazine.



After several days of working off and on, I finally got a worm bed built from of wood pallets. I want to have a Red Worms for the chickens.

This first view is looking at the four walls bolted together, bottom side up.  The size if 42 inches square by 13 inches high.


In this next view I have used a piece of aluminum screen wire and tacked it to the bottom of the bin to keep the worms in the bin.


In the next view I have attached to the bottom some cattle panel wire to give the screen wire some support and also keep any critters from digging under neat it.


I filled the worm bin with a bag of peat moss, a bag of manure/compost, a bag of potting soil, and some cut up newspapers and decaying leaves. Also the last day or two I’ve thrown in banana peelings and old coffee grounds. Hopefully this will be the right mix, and the 500 worms will double in numbers every 3 months.


This view you’ll see the finished worm bin, including a piece of sheet iron I placed on top as a cover.  The worm bin is on the ground under a large shaded area of oak trees to keep the worms in the shade during the daylight hours.  Worms do not tolerate heat well at all.


Some of you will remember Chuck Carter gave Jill and I a couple apricots trees last Spring.  The trees are doing fine, though they have not grown a lot, about 3 feet tall now, but maybe some year we’ll have apricots.  That white looking power you see on the apricot tree is Diatomaceous Earth, to keep the bugs under control.  You can see in the picture, the stand of oak trees in the background where I’ve placed the worm bin, and on the right our well house.  I’ll use the well water to keep the worm bin moist during the hot, dry summer months.  And I’m telling you, with the temps lately around 100, that water from 185 feet down is ice cold.


SOAPBOX:  In October 2002 I first mentioned an elderly lady being attacked by a pit bull at Oilton, Oklahoma as she took her morning walk.  She lost her foot to the mauling.  I’ve mentioned the need to do something about these dogs 6 or 7 times since.  This week there were 2 separate pit bull dog attacks in Ardmore. One incident took place less then 2 blocks from where Jill and I lived before moving here to Lone Grove.  The lady went outside to water her flowers this week, and 2, yes 2 pit bulls chased her back into the house, following her into the house (she couldn’t get the door closed quick enough), biting the lady, and attacking her little dog, sending her to the hospital ER.  There needs to be some kind of legislation in this state.  People have a right to be able to go outside their homes without fear of being attacked by pit bulls.  When I first talked about this problem, a lady emailed me to say I was wrong because any dog can bite.  My response was yes, that is true.  I was even bit by a dog back in the 1980s, but I was not mauled (thank God it was not a pit bull).  Pit bull dogs only do one thing when they attack, maul.

Ten cheapest places to buy gas in the Ardmore area……


Q.   What kind of bones has been found in Caney and Tushka?
A.   Dinosaur

Q.   Where was the first oil boom town in Indian Territory?
A.   (answer in next week’s T&T)

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..“These pictures were sent to me, from Charlie and Maita Ruth Paynter Smith. I know some of you didn’t go to Charles Evans but maybe you can fill in the ? marks cause they would have been in your Jr and High School classes Thanks to Charlie and Maita Smith for share these pictures Charles Evans 3rd grade 1954 and 6th grade 1957.”  -Terry [email protected]



“Butch, I was doing research on the old Lee-Bankhead Highway and I found out about this bell in a church near Blue, Oklahoma.  “The bell now in use in this church was brought from the old Choctaw court house at Armstrong Academy. ”   Now how cool is THAT?  The original reference is towards the bottom of the document at http://digital.library.okstate.edu/chronicles/v013/v013p266.html it was written in 1935 – I hope the bell (even the church) is still there.”  -Don


“We went to the early Sunday morning dog trade day at Sulphur today. I just started taking pictures because, unless you have been there, you just cannot imagine all the stuff and different types of people there. This used to be where the old coon hunters would meet and trade their coon dogs. Now it has evolved into a flea market that is year round. The old renaissance faire is here to stay. I would love your comments.” -Doug Williams


“Butch: Here is a picture to go with my last email just scanned it. It was me in 1936, one of my first photos. I also scanned the back, has date and place. Best regards.” -H.L. “Hoot” Gilbert in Healdton


The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, IT
date: Wednesday, February 4, 1903

Willis, Jan. 31
The town of Willis is situated on the north bank of Red River, in township 8, south range 4 east. It is surrounded by a large body of fertile land, larger amount in cultivation. We have a first class cotton gin and saw mill owned by H. WILLIS and ran by LEE POWELL, a first rate mill and gin man. A two forge blacksmith shop owned and ran by J. G. WILLIAMS, a drug store by FLOWERS & WILLIAMS, general store owned by WILLIS & THOMPSON. R. C. THOMPSON is the postmaster, assisted by ROGER COOPER, a popular young man with friends. We have a splendid school of 40 pupils, conducted by MISS HENRY of Gordonville, Texas. J. P. COLLINS practices medicine. For churches, Rev. JOHN L. SULLIVAN of the Methodist Church and Rev. HARPER of the Baptist Church. There is a telephone connection with Woodville. The people, both citizens and non-citizens, are anxiously awaiting for the allotment. We had four weddings the past two months. JOE WILLIAMS had a new arrival at his home on the 27th, a girl. J. W. SMITH was in town representing the Ardmoreite and got several subscribers.

[ Willis is/was in Marshall county, Okla. ]

The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, IT
date: February 2, 1903

Hart, Jan. 31: Hart is a small town 20 miles east of Wynnewood and 12
miles northwest of Roff.  We have a fair school with Prof. J. L. DAVIS as teacher and MRS. DAVIS as assistant. We are badly in need with a cotton gin and grist mill. It is a good location with water and wood plenty.

[ Hart is/was in Pontotoc county, Okla – 19 T 3N R4E
Hart, Pontotoc, Okla – 19-20 3N 4E ]

“Would anyone happen to have any information on an Irene Ozell Clay Gentry? She is suppose to be buried in the McAlister Cemetery, but I don’t see her listed on any of the sites I have searched. She was born 7.14.1922 and died march 4, 1957 any help is appreciated.” -Kim

“Thanks to all of the people that tried to help me find the Pickapeppa sauce, we found it right here in Ardmore at Homeland.  Can’t wait to try it, but as you see it is the most expensive stuff on the shelf.” -Doug Williams


“Since you are into raising chickens I thought I would pass on an odd one. Several years ago my Dad decided he had to have some Light Brahma chickens (the only thing light about them is the color as they can weigh up to 12 lbs.) and got several hens but no rooster, so he got a Rhode Island Red rooster and when the hens hatched out eggs they were all sexed by color. If they were white they were male and if they were red they were female with no exceptions.”

“Thought you may like to look at an interesting place we recently visited. Ever want a good quick trip, go to Dublin, Texas. The oldest Dr. Pepper bottling company.” -Lee Thompson in Healdton





The Daily Ardmoreite
Ardmore, IT
date:  February 4, 1903

Isom Springs, Feb. 1
This is a new town, but quite a business place with two general stores,
blacksmith shop and a cotton gin which has ginned about 76- bales this
season. The firm of FINLEY & MANLEY, both young men, are doing a nice
business. Manley looks after the business and Finley teaches a school of
natives. MR. ADAMS is the gin man. The town of Brownsville was absorbed
by this town. Dr. BELL is the physician. In driving from Isom Springs to
Woodville, one passes through a fine farming section as can be found in
the country, but roads are bad.

[ Isom Springs is/was in Marshall county, Oklahoma — 31 7S 6E ]

“Butch, For Jo who inquired about Chagger Cemetery, I have attached a photo from the Carter County Cemeteries book that was compiled by our Home & Community Education family committee. I scanned the page from their book so this picture includes a copy of what a person would look for while in the area of the cemetery, as well as the legal description of the cemetery?s location, since this cemetery is unmarked. Hope this helps.” -Denise Menke, Extension Secretary, Carter County OSU Extension


“I came home at 4pm today and it was 100. Then we had a rain storm come through the temp dropped to 79.  Imagine 79 degrees in Oklahoma in the afternoon on July the 1st.” -Doug


“Would you believe hail in Ardmore in July???” -Jerry Landrum


The Daily Ardmoreite
January 25, 1898
Several members of the Graham community are in town today. J. A. Drury and Prof. G. A. Nutt were two who called at the Ardmoreite office. In speaking of the burning of the school house at that place on the 18th inst., an account of which appeared in the Ardmoreite at the time, they said the building was used as a church house and schoolroom below, the upper story being used by the Masonic fraternity and the Odd Fellows, both of which orders lost all of their paraphernalia. These gentlemen stated that while the house was yet burning a subscription list was opened and in a few minutes $240 was raised, and by Friday following this was increased $100 more. A number of wagons were at once started to town for lumber, and each man was an authorized committee to solicit funds for rebuilding. In this way the sum of $67.50 was raised. The people of that community propose to erect a larger and more comfortable building than the one recently destroyed. I’ll get the initial article in a day or so.

The Daily Ardmoreite
January 23, 1918
Plainview School House, Four Miles Southwest of Ardmore, is Destroyed
Plainview school house, four miles southwest of Ardmore, was destroyed by fire at 10 o’clock last night. Only the walls were left standing.
The building was a brick structure containing three rooms and an auditorium. The furniture was also destroyed.
The fire is believed to have been of incendiary origin.
Six thousand dollars’ insurance was carried, but this sum will not be sufficient to erect a similar building.
School will be suspended until a temporary building can be constructed.

The Daily Ardmoreite
January 24, 1918
On the Plainview school house, furniture and fixtures, which was burned Tuesday, insurance was carried to the amount of $7,000. Commissioner Whitson said that at the present price of labor and material it would be impossible to replace the building for less than $10,000.

The Daily Ardmoreite
February 9, 1918
Two Explosions Demolish Buildings and Machinery and Fire Burns All.
Of Incendiary Origin
Town is Now Without Water, Light and Power and All Local Industries Are Crippled Indefinitely – Dwelling of S. P. Gorrell Burns
Special to the Ardmoreite – Kingston, Okla., Feb. 9
The Kingston Ice and Light Company’s plant at this place was totally destroyed at 6 o’clock this morning by two explosions. Buildings and machinery were wrecked, and fire which followed immediately consumed everything, including the dwelling of S. P. Gorrell. The loss is estimated at $35,000, with only a small amount of insurancr on buildings nad machinery. As a result of this catastrophe, Kingston is without water, light and power, and all industries here are crippled indefinitey. George Blethen, the manager of the wrecked plant, declares an incendiary is guilty of the catastrophe. There are no clues to the perpetrators.

The Healdton Herald
September 19, 1946
Dundee Establishes A Worthy Memorial
At the initial meeting of the Dundee Parent Teacher’s Association on Monday night, the 16th, a fund was started in cooperation with the Student Council to establish a worthwhile memorial to the Dundee boys who gave their lives in the service of their country in World War II. In view of the requests of many service men that the memorials be useful, a concrete Memorial Tennis Court was decided upon. About half the cost has already been donated and anyone wishing to have a part in building and dedicating the court may give their contribution to Mr. Sam O. Pool, Superintendent. Dundee was heroically represented by Jimmy Pollard, who lies on Leyte; J. L. Stribling in Burma; Lockalie Gifford in Holland; Carl Hawkins in Italy; Buster Paul on Tarawa; T. L. Lucan on Bougainville; Melvin Breashears in China; Howard Lofton on Luzon; Junior Reams in the South Pacific, and Calvin Thompson off the West Coast of the Panama Canal Zone.

May today be better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow for you.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges

Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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