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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 14  Issue 725 December 16, 2010

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 580-490-6823

Last week I went to Sam’s Nut House here in Ardmore to pick up some pecans for mailing to California.  Sam had some really nice Stuart pecans for $2.75 a pound and charged me .40 cents more a pound for cracking and blowing.  While there I took some pictures of their equipment at work.  My pecans actually went through 3 machines before the finished product was in the paper sack.

This first pic is cracking machine in action, with a pecan caught in mid air falling into the box.


Its a Meyer pecan cracking machine.


This next machine is the sheller.  It removes most of the shell from around the nut.


The third machine is the blower.  It finished removing most of the small pieces of pecan shell around the nut, of course there was still a little shell left.


Sam has several pecan crackers in a row, ready to go to work during this busy time of the year.


If you’re ever out in the NE part of Ardmore, stop by and see the old collectables on the wall.  Its worth the time, plus get some good tasting pecans.  But keep in mind, they are only open during the pecan season, M-F 8am to Noon, and 3pm to 5pm. Closed weekends.


Just look for their red roof building west of the Gold Mountain Casino on Sam Noble Blvd (Hwy 199E).


Or east of Boy’s Food Store on Sam Noble Parkway in Ardmore. Sam Richards would love to see you stop by the grocery store too, drink a soda pop, and shoot the bull.



Pecan Update: Stopped by Sam’s couple days ago and bought the most beautiful and tasty Western Slice Pecans. Completely filled out and clean as a whistle.


I’m sure there are some T&T Readers who remember the Mint (called the Glider Club before that) in the basement of the bank building (Lincoln Center) at C Street and West Main in Ardmore.


A Reader stopped by the other day and gave me a beautiful framed sketch of the Carter county courthouse. He said it hung in his parents home before they passed away, and he thought of me, and wanted to find it a good home.



The picture seems right at home in our front room!


Now for the $64,000 question:  Who was/is the artist?  Anyone recognize the name?


Several of  you wrote in on last week’s mention of the marble plaque at the west entrance of the courthouse. Since I have no knowledge of Latin, I appreciate those who did email. Below are 3 replies from Readers.

As for the marble plaque:

These will be your talents:
…to impose law and order in peace,
to spare the conquered,
and to war down the arrogant.

would be a decent translation. -Wes Womack

Roberta Abbe’s son teaches Latin and this is his translation:

These will be your arts:
to impose the custom of peace,
to spare the governed,
and to war against the proud.

Another Reader, Julie Riggs, found this on the web…

Roman! let this be your care, this your art;
to rule over the nations and impose the ways
of peace, to spare the underdog, and pull down
the proud. ? Aneid VI. 851; quoted in Kipling’s “Regulus.”


-Virgil  (Publius Vergilius Maro)


From This and That newsletter archives December 1997:


On Wednesday, December 17, 1997, at 1:30pm The Honorable Judge Charles Tate conducted the first Initial Appearance using television cameras between the Carter County courtroom and the Detention Center via closed circuit TV.  CableOne had been busy the past few weeks installing cabling and cameras at the two locations. After much testing of the equipment the past two or three weeks, Judge Tate gave his node of approval, and the first Initial Appearance by video camera took place December 17th.  Everything went as planned and twenty minutes later the true marvel of high tech closed circuit television was realized in the Carter County Courthouse in Ardmore, Oklahoma.  CableOne is to be commended for the fine work they did, running the cables, providing the color cameras, installing the necessary electronic equipment, the many hours of testing, and doing this all as a public service at no cost to the taxpayers.

Q.   Where is the antique capital of Oklahoma?
A.   Jenks, Oklahoma

Q.   What Oklahoma town is the champion Cow Chip throwing capital of the world?
A.   (answer in next week’s newsletter)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……

https://oklahomahistory.net/gasprices.htmlSome mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“Hi Butch, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” is one of my favorite poems. I clicked on the related link on the T ‘n’ T newsletter and was reminded of how frustrated I often was in class when the professor dismantled and analyzed a poem. I like taking this particular poem at face value and so I bought a wonderful children’s book Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening illustrated by Susan Jeffers. I look forward to my grandchildren being old enough for me to share it with them.

A YouTube reading I found that I like is the one posted by Spoken Word. It’s one of the links to the side of the posing by the poem analyst and it is nothing more than a wonderful deep voice reading the poem. Maybe it is Mr. Frost himself.” -Mary Lou

“I used to hang out at Hollie’s Drive In in OKC in 1963, 1964 also went to Ardmore to the drag races ar Springer and Turner Falls to go swimming. I dated a girl from Wilson and we would skate in Ardmore, two years ago my high school class had a reunion at Lake Murray, I remember the bands that would come to Davis and play in the old rock building. Hank Thompson came a lot and he has a cousin that lives here. I was raised in Elmore City, now I live in Livingston, Texas.” -Ray Eppler


“Hello Butch! My name is Lainey Ray. My mother lives in Gene Autry, Oklahoma. She lives in the first telephone company. Its really neat. My mother and I have been trying to do some research on this old house. We think it is neat to go back on things like this. The house is on the left corner, coming down the hill from the Gene Autry museum. It sets on the corner of Main Street and Kings Ave. I was going to try and get some information on it so I can make my mother a scrapbook of her house and some other things. She will like it alot. We want to know the history on it. Maybe someone can be of some help. Thank you!!!” -Lainey Ray   [email protected]

“I am a related to the harlin/bell family from Okmulgee, I.T. Anna Harlin married outlaw Wesley Barnett and they had one son called Wesley. I know the basics of Wesley’s life as an Outlaw in I.T about his crimes and eventual shooting death. I was hopeful to get anymore information, criminal records, photos/pictures etc. Thank you.”   -Carole

Check out my Lawmen-Outlaw website:


“I grew up at 902 B. Street in Ardmore, OK. My grandfather was J. B. White a well known local architect who designed over 50 schools, churches and office buildings including the Gilbert Building, which became the Ardmoreite Building. A Hensley family lived near us and I became acquainted with a young girl my age named Billy Rose Hensley. She graduated from Ardmore High School, was a school Queen and married Charles Terry. I moved to Oklahoma City and lost track of school friends. Does anyone know Billy Rose Hensley and how to get in touch with her or Charles Terry?” -John White  [email protected]

Lee-Jackson-Rogers Dinner and Auction, Saturday January 15th, OKC

Our Annual Dinner has changed location , as our customary venue closed. The new location in Italiano’s located at the corner of NE 48th, just south of I-44, on the Boulevard running North from the Oklahoma State Capitol. The one named after a former U.S. president. Registration and reception is 5:30 to 6:30, Speaker for the Event will be Jerry Brewer, Commander of the Privates Grayson & Brewer camp in Elk City. The topic will be “dismantling the republic” Dinner is Salad, Lasagna, Chicken Alfredo, and desert with choice of drinks. The event is catered to the meeting room and is serve yourself. We will conduct our usual auction, so please bring items to contribute. These do not have to be WBTS related. Cost is $20.00 Please RSVP no later than Jan. 12th. All proceeds go toward the Ardmore Monument project.”  -Terry Pierce   [email protected]

Oklahoma Sons of Confederate Veterans

adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit (Ovid)
Add a little to a little and there will be a great heap.
Latin on Perseverance

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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