A Home Grown Home Page

Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 15  Issue 743   April 21, 2011

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 580-490-6823

I talked to Herman Kirkwood this week and he’s been telling me about the upcoming 2011 Oklahoma Outlaw Lawmen History Association RENDEZVOUS on May 14th at Frederick, Oklahoma. Jill and I have been to several of his yearly RENDEZVOUS Meets and they are always jam packed with history and lots of fun. And did I say the Meet was free? Oh yes, its free, you just have to show up that Saturday morning. We are looking forward to the May Rendezvous. I haven’t been to Frederick since the mid 1970s when Lucille Batt was running the ambulance service at Frederick and served on my State EMT Assocaiton’s board of directors. So mark your calendars, its going to be very educational and fun at the same time, we hope to see some of you there. Frederick is 120 miles west of Ardmore, 45 miles SW of Lawton. This will be the first road trip this year for Jill and I, since gas prices are sky high.



I received a phone call this week from a person in Washington state, trying to find out if there was a cemetery located where the waters of Lake Murray are now.  They think it was probably moved to some other location before the lake filled.  Does anyone remember a cemetery like this, moved?

Ardmoreite Tonya Rangel dropped by and gave me a letter dated July 21, 1938. Seems a Mr. J.H. Duncan on West Broadway lost his home to a fire a few days before and was seeking help. Hand written on the bottom of the letter are the names of several people who made a donation to the cause including Leon Daube donating the largest amount of $1.00 which was a lot back in those days. 2 gave 10 cents, several 25 cents and a 3 people donated 50 cents to help Mr. Duncan. Remember back in the 30s was the Great Depression years, and people were lucky to make 50 cents a day, if they could find a job. Many could not even find a job.


As in last week’s T&T, below is the group photo taken in 1981 of some Ardmore Memorial Hospital nurses. I’m trying to get them all identified. So far, here is the list:

03 Judy Knox
06 Virginia Camp
07 Sandy Farney
08 Dave Moser
10 Betty Thomas
13 Dee Clark
14 Ann Willis
17 Peggy Parker

8 out of 17 identified, not a very good response.  Come on people, click your mouse and help name the others. At this rate I may never get to tell the story about me and Peggy Thomas that took place in 1970.


Last week Claude up in Alaska sent me an email, telling about a upside down house he drove by in AK and turns out it was not in AK at at, but in FL. Seems that Claude was being a little mischievous and playing a joke on everyone.  Claude, you should be ashamed of yourself, fooling all your friends here on T&T. I think you should make it up to everyone in next week’s issue and tell a good story from up your way, a TRUE story.  lol


Several of you wrote in to tell off on Claude.  Here is one email: “Dear Butch, The upside down house in last week’s T&T is located in Orlando, FL. The name on the house, WONDERWORKS, tells you something about this amusement “park.” -Monroe Cameron in Montana

More about the upside down houses in the Mailbag below.

A little over a week ago Jill noticed these tiny little grapes growing on our vineyard (4 plants). I hope with the recent rains, and more rain predicted over the next few days, those grapes will really take off and mature. I know nothing about growing grapes, guess I better read up on the subject a litte, or talk to Jalapeno Jo here in Lone Grove, they have rows of grapevines in their backyard.



From time to time I mention my experiences at getting rid of trojans and spyware off computers. And believe me, I have had to take tons of the crap off over the years from 100s of computers, sometimes time and time again on the same computers. There are lots of programs out there to help do this, but these are my top 3 and all free:

Microsoft’s Security Essentials Anti Virus and AntiSpyware program  CLICK HERE
Remember, you can only have one antivirus installed

Malwarebytes http://www.Malwarebytes.org

Spybot Search and Destroy  http://www.safer-networking.org/

This month there was a trojan virus on a friend’s computer the above 3 did find or remove (her computer had been hijacked). But after doing some research I did find a program called SUPERAntiSpyware tool that worked and its free. It detects and removes over 100,000 spyware/adware components. Since its updated several times a day, you’d need to use a current version to removed those nasty trojans and stuff. You can always to go another computer, download it, and burn to a CD, then take that CD to the infected computer, and run the program off the CD.


By the way, Microsoft has came out with a portable spyware scanner too.  I just learned about it today, so I haven’t had time to check it out against the others, but I will, you can be sure of that. I have plenty of computers to clean.


I mentioned 4 weeks ago about a password remembering website called LastPass.  Let me tell you, it’s the cat’s meow.  I wouldn’t be without it.


Found a great place to get fried chicken in Ardmore. Its the smallest grocery store in the world, located at A Street NE and 11th. It adjoins the Hard to Find Liquors. They just started selling their chicken legs and thighs for 50 cents each. And we ain’t talking baby chicks here, where talking big pieces!


From This and That newsletter archives April 25, 1998:

I was given a photo this week to scan that sure was a find! Between Oklahoma and Texas is the Red River. Going south out of Ardmore toward Texas you will cross the Red River just south of Thackerville, Oklahoma into Texas. A friend gave me this photo of that bridge between OK and TX that was probably taken around 1930. You will see an old car, about a 1930 model, under the bridge, so we are assuming the photo was taken about that time period. One thing unusual in the photo is this ladder extending from from the almost dry river bed to the bridge.


Q.    Where in Oklahoma is Boiling Springs State Park?
A.     Woodward, Oklahoma

Q.    What is the official folk song of Oklahoma?
A.    (answer in next week’s newsletter)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……

https://oklahomahistory.net/gasprices.htmlSome mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

 “Dear Butch, The info of the place where the planes are built is in White Settlement, TX 76108. I was raised there in W. S. and the name of the plane shop was first Consolidated Vultees Aircraft Corporation, during the 40’s. My Mother worked there ’til 1945. The name of the place later changed to Convair, when I was a small child; then later in my teens it became General Dynamics. After I was married to my first husband they remodeled the place and it got bigger hiring more people to work and became what is known as Lockheed Martin today. It is a very big plant and builds lots of planes for the government. There is Carswell Air Force Base on the East side of it as the town of White Settlement is on the West side. When living in W. S. as a child had to hold your ears sometimes due to the planes being loud and the 1950 and 1960’s when the planes went over the Sonic Boom would sometimes break out a person’s house windows.  During a certain time of the year the BLUE ANGELS would perform an air show for us which I think were 7 of those very beautiful birds flying in formation. People would look forward for that day to watch them.” -Carol Watkins

“I recently ran across your website as a link when researching my family history. You had some time back a little story about the killing of my great grandfather, Deputy Lafayette M Boulware, in Jan 1918 in Okfuskee Co by a member of the Poe-Hart gang after a bank robbery. Great grandpa is buried in the Castle Cemetery and his name is on the Oklahoma Peace Officers Memorial in Okie City and also the National Law Officers Memorial in DC. Although not from Ardmore, I was born and raised in OK and thoroughly enjoy your stories. I am old enough to remember riding down dirt back roads, and farmers coming to town in Okemah by horse and wagon. I left OK when I was 13 years old and have never lived their since, but it has always been home to me. And I get back as often as I can. Thanks for your newsletter.”  -Peggy Thomas Villanueva

Butch; The upside down house shown in your latest newsletter is from Wonderworks and there are several of them in the United States. The one pictured in the newsletter link is actually in Orlando, Florida. There are others in Pigeon Forge, TN, Panama City Beach, FL and Myrtle Beach, SC. All have some slight differences, mainly the differences are the building that looks like it is being crushed under the upside down building. That difference proves that the one in the newsletter link is the Orlando building. I’ve seen the one in Orlando and the first time you encounter this building is a bit shocking, but it certainly grabs your attention.

Here’s a link to the site for Wonderworks.


Here’s a link to a site that spotlights other inverted buildings around the country. There’s even an upside down White House in Wisconsin.


Gerald Whitworth
Glenpool, Oklahoma

“Hello – I found your web sites by looking up “Ran Webb” and ?Citizens Compress and Packing Company? on the internet. This lead me to the “This and That” paper on line and the Oklahoma Historical Society?s website. I am writing to enquire whether you can tell me, or tell me who to contact to find out, if there are in Ardmore or Purcell Oklahoma local history museums or organization that compile or collect photographs relating to local history. If not, is there some state or regional collection of historic photographs that would be interested in some additional items?

I am a 5th generation native of Colorado, but amongst some old family photos, we found two which tie in to Ardmore and Purcell Oklahoma. One is of a group of ladies which was taken by ?Ran Webb (studio/photographer)- Ardmore, Oklahoma?. The only other label on the photo is handwritten on the back, ?Ardmore Oklahoma?. There is no date but the dresses appear to be best fashions of perhaps the very late 1800?s or very early 1900?s. I do not know who these nice ladies might be. We know of no family connections to Ardmore, and cannot see any striking family resemblances, but it might be that one is some relation. My father?s grandmother, whose personal photos date to about this time-frame, was a school teacher (and got her teaching certificate in Indiana or Ohio) ? one of these ladies might be a school teacher/classmate. My father?s mother was also a member of the Eastern Star, so it is possible these ladies belong to that organization. I suppose it could also be a church organization if a local (Colo) friend moved to Ardmore.

The second photo is of a vast lot of (cotton?) bales and the wooden ware-house associated with them. The front is labeled ?Citizens Compress and Warehouse Co.; Purcell Indian Territory?, (which might help with the date of the photo). There is no printed date but on the back in hand-writing is ?compliments of Lee J. Mittinger?. There is a windmill and a train in the background. Again, we know of no connections to the Purcell area, nor to anyone involved in any kind of cotton processing or production.

Can anyone tell me of anyone in the Ardmore or Purcell area, or in Oklahoma in general, that might have a knowledge of, or interest in old historic photos like these? If not, can you tell me who I might contact to find out more.? Thanks”  -Peggy Colgate  [email protected]

“I took the photograph of this statue my neighbor Leonard McMurtry created in his garage on NW 34th Street in Oklahoma City. I was serving Epworth UMC at the time. I followed Ray Owen at Epworth.

First Leonard did a small wax model about 18 inches high. Then a chalk cast about 4 feet tall and this he shipped to a foundry in Italy which was then made in segments which were placed together. Leonard allowed me to do some trimming of Buffalo Bill’s coat on the initial wax figure. Leonard had two sons who lived with him about 1972 or 1973.

I recall seeing Anita Bryant arriving in a in a long black limousine one morning so she could sit for Leonard to sculpt a full sized bust figure. I was in his home many times. His life was very private and he never allowed anyone inside. He always saw people in his two car garage. How had two chairs which only two persons could use. Leonard lived to tell jokes and seemed to have an endless supply for men only.

When I was on the Board of Directors for The Childrens Center in Bethany, OK I took about twenty children from the The Center to a daytime Rodeo event at the Norick Arena on the Fair Grounds. All us were seated in the North end, inside the Arena. I was surprised to see Joel McCrea come over to see the children in our group. He reached to shake my hand. I was shocked at the size of his hands. My hand was so tiny compared to his. Joel McCrea played the role of “BUFFALO BILL” in the movie. Leonard used Joel McCrea as the model for this magnificent statue on Persimmon Hill at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.”  -Joe Hock

Located at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City


“thought of you all when we passed thru Ardmore on our way to whip the Madill soccer women’s team. We have a grand daughter on our team who is a Freshman and is a starter. we are on our way to state champions. The Mexican Cafe across from McDonalds in Madill is great authentic substance… love your meanderings”  -Jimmie Martin TX

Rockin T BBQ was established in 2011 by Kent, DeLisa, and Ryan Taylor. We serve real 1/2 pound tamales, & Smokin Joe’s BBQ. Come out and give us a try. We are located at 23 N Commerce, just two blocks north of West Broadway and North Commerce in Ardmore (west side of Commerce behind Blockbuster).

“Re the Perry, Oklahoma Bell: I spoke with Dr. Martin today and asked if he had further information about that Baptist Church bell. With a ‘twinkle in his eye’ he replied that it was funny I should ask. I should mention here that Dr. Martin, like me, has thousands of little stories stored away in that memory of his and when you mention a subject that he has knowledge of, he has almost total recall and tells little details that no one else might remember.

He said that the bell was almost lost forever because during WWII someone was going to contribute the old bell to the war effort to be melted down as brass scrap and used for bullet casings to fight the enemy with. Mr. Munger sort of stole the bell and hid it in his flower bed to prevent that from happening. Later, when Dr. Martin heard of its existence he told some other folks in the church about it and they conspired to find a way to move that heavy bell back to the church. No one could come up with a solution until another church member, Mr Gilliland, who owned the local Chevrolet agency at that time said that he thought his heavy-duty automobile wrecker could lift and move it. And it did! So on that 70th anniversary Sunday, the bell was delivered to the church and the rest is the history that I told you about.

This morning I looked at the bell again and found this information embossed on the bell at the Perry Oklahoma First Baptist Church itself:  Clinton H. McNeely Bell Company/Troy, N.Y./A.D. 1894 and then on a plaque below, it said: First Baptist Church/Perry, Oklahoma/H.E. Alsop, pastor/1894 bell restored 1964/in memory of charter members/J.M.Berry/J.T.Cameron/Alesander Eaton/John E. Shanefelt/W.H.Thacker/T.J.Taylor, Jr./Miss Minnie E. Taylor/George Briggs.

A few minutes later I entered the church building and told the secretary of my quest. She knew very little about the bell’s history but said that a couple of church historians might help. They are Ms. Betty Ripley (and her ‘recent’ memory is beginning to slip because of advanced age) whose address is listed at 908 Rose Terrace; Perry, Oklahoma 73077; and Dr. Charles E. Martin, M.D. (retired) listed at 1409 Country Club Drive (also in Perry, Oklahoma 73077). I’ve known Dr. Martin for many years and he is a valuable source of information about our community.

Then the church secretary took me to the church “memory room” where we found a framed copy of a 1964 (?) newspaper article which said: OLD BELL RETURNS TO CITY CHURCH – An old bell that served the Perry First Baptist Church in its pioneer days was returned to the church grounds Sunday during a 70th anniversary observance by the congregation.

For the past several years the bell has been in the backyard of the Bill Munger home, 628 Holly street. The bell which weighs several hundred pounds hung in the original First Baptist church here in 1894.

It remained in use until about 1924, when the building was replaced by the present brick structure at Seventh street and Fir avenue.

The bell was moved by an automobile tow truck early Sunday afternoon from the Munger yard to the church grounds and was rung a few times. Rev. H. E. Alsup, pastor of the city church said the bell will be restored and set up in the church yard.

Dr. Charles E. Martin, city physician and chairman of the church’s program committee, became interested in having the bell restored last summer. He suggested the project to other church members, and the group decided to make moving the bell part of the 70th anniversary services Sunday.

Sixty-one out-of-town visitors were present for the services. Among the speakers were Dr. Joe Ingram, Oklahoma City, assistant executive secretary for the Baptist General Convention; Rev. John R. Meadows, former Perry minister now employed at Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee; and Robert S, Bazzell, former administrator of Perry Memorial Hospital and now of Bristow.” -Roy Kendrick in Perry, OK


Friends, I would like to invite you to attend one or more of our upcoming dates.

April 17 ? Bartlett?s Arboretum in Belle Plaine, Kansas

As part of the Treehouse Concert Series, my band and I will be in concert from 2pm to 4pm. And I know you will really enjoy touring the Arboretum and being close to the beauty of nature. (316-461-7783)

April 21- Poncan Theatre, Ponca City, OK

This is the bi-annual concert my band and I present for the Ponca City Noon Lions Club. We always have had a huge turnout so get your tickets early from a member of the Lions Club or at the Poncan Theatre. (580-765-0943)

May 7 ? Eldercare ?Good, Bad and BBQ?

Last year my band and I presented a combination concert/dance for the Eldercare organization of Bartlesville, OK. They have asked us to return, and the event will again be held at the Mullendore CrossBell Ranch, north of Bartlesville. Lots of great food, music, auction, dancing and just plain fun. Call for tickets and directions. (918-336-8500)

May 8 ? Prairie Rose Chuckwagon Supper, Benton, KS

The weekend of May 6-8 will be Western Days at the Prairie Rose. Lots of cowboy activities for the whole family. I?ll be a part of the Sunday afternoon cowboy music concert. (316-778-2121).

Please check my website for my full 2011 schedule.  -Les Gilliam

“I am looking for a old classmate. Max Dwight Butler. He graduated same year with Carl Vaile in 1967. He and Jeanne his wife moved away from Ardmore. If anyone know their whereabouts, please let me know.” -Carol Brown

Note:  Carol, I have the answer you are looking for, but I guess I lost your email.  Please contact me again.  -Butch

Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.  -S.D. Gordon

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official AmSerican Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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