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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 15  Issue 748  May 26, 2011

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 580-490-6823

Back in April 2004 a lady in Atlanta, Georgia emailed me to say her grandfather, who lived in Healdton when he was alive, had in his possession a old very thick negative of the famous 1909 Ada hanging of 4 men. This week Jim Foreman stumbled across that negative on my website, and converted it to black and white photo. Thanks Jim!



But wait, there’s more from Jim Foreman: I know many of you have heard me talk about the most well kept secret in Carter county, Magnetic Hill out NW of Springer, Oklahoma. Oklahoman Jim Foreman, now living in Texas, uploaded a video he made of Magnetic Hill. I did notice one slight little bobble in the video when Jim says you turn left after taking Exit 42 if you coming from the north.  He did correct it, you turn right after taking Exit 42 north Springer and go west on Highway 53.  Outside that little bobble, Jim did a great job with the video!


Jim Foreman’s website:   www.jimforeman.com


I received an unexpected package in the mail last week from Peter “Pete” Pierce. Enclosed were his two newest books on Oklahoma baseball, a spin-off from his first 2009 book Baseball in the Crosstimbers.  Pete has done a tremendous about of research on baseball in Oklahoma, and it really shows in these very professional and beautiful books.  If  you want to get your hands on a copy, there are links below.  And if you live in the Ardmore area, better yet, just come to his book signing on Saturday June 4th at The Bookseller at 614 West Main street. Pete will by autographing his books from 1pm to 3pm.

Territorians to Boomers: Professional Baseball in Ardmore 1904-1926

Indians, Cardinals and Rosebuds: Professional Baseball in Ardmore 1947-1961


For history buffs, this is a MUST SEE video. This is one of the best U.S. history videos I’ve came across. Growth of a Nation is a free, ten minute movie which depicts the geographic history of the United States from 1789. The timeline is interactive. Click below to go to the movie. (Requires Flash player to view.)


Wilda Stephens sent in a old photo of the 1930 2nd grade class of Dougherty, Oklahoma standing in front of the school house. Thanks Wilda, that is a real piece of Murray county history!


Last week I had a pic of what I was told was a Bull Nettle (took pic at Frederick).  Several of you mentioned this week that around here it is called a thistle. Anyone want to comment more?


Anybody game for a good game of horse shoe pitching? Been a while since I’ve played that game, but as a teen we did it quite often at get togethers. The Lake Country Horseshoe Pitchers Association in conjunction with the Oklahoma Blood Institute is planning a contest the middle of June. It will all take place June 17, 18, and 19 at the Regional Park at I-35 and Highway 142, north edge of Ardmore. The Meet is part of their annual fundraiser for Relay for Life and their blood drive. Admission is free if you give a pint of blood between now and June 17th (save your “blood donation” receipt). Can’t beat a deal like that, plus its for a good cause!


As a lot of you know Oklahoma has had its share of tornados the past week.  So many parts of the state hit hard with deaths and destruction. Our little 3 acres south of Lone Grove has really been lucky, just some big rains and winds, but no damage.  We have a gas generator in case the electricity goes out, and I’ve had to use it several times the past few years, everyone should have one.  But one the best things I’ve bought for emergency use, I bought about 3 years was at Wall’s Department Store here in Ardmore.  A crank AM/FM radio.  Doesn’t need batteries.  Runs about 30 minutes after about 12 cranks. Everyone should have one. I paid $7.50 at Wall’s and wish I’d bought two.


I found them on ebay for about $9 including shipping

The owners of Lone Grove’s Daylight Donut Shop just opened a place in Ardmore.  It’s located at North Washington and Sam Noble Parkway (Highway 199 E).  I can taste a bear claw now!




But the above is not the only donut shop to open recently in Ardmore.  The Southern Maid Donuts just opened about a week ago in a converted gas station.  They are located at 1420 12th NW, a couple blocks west of North Commerce. I haven’t tried their donut yet.

No matter if you have Norton, AVG, Comodo, McAfee, Security Essentials, or whatever, this is the best utility (and it’s free) I’ve found to remove spyware and trojans from your computer.  You don’t even have to install it on your computer, just download and run.  They update this utility everyday to keep up with the latest threats. If you’ve already been hijacked and can’t access the internet, d/l this file from a friends computer to a thumb drive or CD, take it to your computer, and run it.  This will get rid of that bad stuff when the others fail. All the others mentioned above work, but this one works best.


Speaking of utilities, I’ve learned about another utility call Soluto just yesterday that’s suppose to speed up your computer by ‘delaying’ the startup of all those programs that load when you first turn on your computer. I haven’t had time to really test it, but it looks promising. Its a free utility too. But I’ve notice so many slow computers have one problem in common, they are loaded down with spyware.  So if your trying to cure a slow computer, run the above utility first.


From This and That newsletter archives of May 30, 1998:
On Saturday evening, August 19, 1961, an Ottawa County deputy sheriff was found shot to death in his home five miles southeast of Miami, Oklahoma. Claude King, a jailer at the county jail in Miami, was found shot six times by his service revolver. Law enforcement officers immediately launched a search for King’s 12 year old son, Tommy King, the prime suspect in the shooting. King’s body was found about 4pm by his wife, Sylvia, and two daughters, Maria and Ethel. Carolyn Sue King, 16, and wife of Claude King’s half brother, told authorities Tommy King had killed his father.

Q.   What Oklahoma town owns the record for the largest pecan pie?
A.    Okmulgee

Q.    What town is the antique capital of Oklahoma ?
A.     (answer in next week’s newsletter)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……

https://oklahomahistory.net/gasprices.htmlSome mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Media & Public Relations Division
Traffic Advisory
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Big changes Wednesday for school traffic as construction starts on N. Meridian Lane in Lone Grove, OK

Beginning 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 25, drivers will no longer be able to travel southbound on N. Meridian Lane between Cody St. and US-70. Additionally, N. Meridian Lane will only have one northbound lane open until mid-August.

This is a big change for traffic, especially during the last days of school. Drivers should expect congestion and allow plenty of extra time.

The reason construction is starting before school is out is because the school year was extended due to snow days. Due to an extremely tight deadline to have work completed by start of school in August, the contractor is unable to delay construction any further and must start work Wednesday.

The $1 million project awarded to Silver Star Construction involves drainage improvements and widening N. Meridian Lane to a two-lane roadway with a center turn lane and an improved traffic signal at N. Meridian Lane and US-70.

There will be a Dickson School Reunion for Classes 1960-1980 on June 11th at the Dickson Cafeteria. If you would like to attend, contact Gary Scott at 580-465-5930

1944 or 1945 Seminole, Okla.:  “We went down to the Blue River somewhere around Tishomingo. And camped out by the river.  Daddy’s Brother, Uncle Roy and Aunt Willa Mae went with us. It was Mother, Daddy, Unk, Aunt Willa Mae, my Sister Betty, and me. They had set trot lines out and we ran them one afternoon. The second one we ran, they had caught a blue eel. This thing was gigantic. It looked to be about 3 to 4 foot long and ugly as all get out.  Anyway they told me not to say anything. So they cleaned and dressed the eel. Cut it up into small pieces and told mother and Aunt Willa Mae it was a catfish. They fried it and we had it for supper.  It did not taste like catfish to me. I only ate one small piece. Even the fried potatoes and onions could not overcome the taste of that eel!  After supper they told everyone what it was and I thought Mother and Aunt Willa Mae were going to die. They actually got sick.  Daddy and Uncle Roy were rolling on the ground laughing.  I know God allows practical jokers in Heaven, and my Dad and Unk are at the top of His list.” -Ken in Wilson

Dear Mr. Bridges,  I found your “This & That” newsletter online. You seem to have access to old copies of the Daily Ardmoreite. I am looking for more information on my great-grandfather and his parents who lived there around the turn of the century (1900, that is). My great-great-grandfather, T.J. (Thomas Jefferson) Mashaw died in or near McMillan on 12 Jan 1903 and is buried in McMillan Cemetery. I would love to find an obituary for him. His wife’s name was Mattie (Martha) and he had four (or five?) children that were probably all born in that area:

Alec/Alex Mashaw b 1891 (my great-grandfather)
Jenevia Pearl Molly Mashaw b 1893
Willaim B Mashaw b ?
James R Mashaw b 1897
Anna Mae Mashaw b 1901

If anyone has any suggestions on how to find out more information about this family, I would certainly appreciate it!”   -Stephanie Wilhelm  [email protected]

“We took Zan to the zoo at Gainesville and boy what a nice zoo.”  -Doug

“I see a reference in last week’s newsletter to a roundabout. Have you heard of the roundabout diet?
It is a Baptist thing, every time you turn around you eat.”

“Butch, enjoyed the article about the roundabout. When I was in England, we learned all about them. Really great idea once you get used to them. There is one in Ardmore just west of Wal-Mart but they missed the idea. It is too small and only one lane. In England, even on the narrow two lane roads the roundabout had two lanes. One for turning off and the other for continuing on around the roundabout.”  -Rick Woodbridge

“Hi Butch — There’s a round-about (or traffic circle) in Norman on east Main. It’s about half way between Porter and 12th. Works pretty well, it seems to me.”  -Claire

Sons Of Confederate Veterans Memorial Service, Rose Hill Cemetery, Ardmore

Our Annual Memorial Day Service at Rose Hill will be at 9:30 AM, Monday May 30th. The event will last approximately 1 1/2 hours. Speakers for the event will be Larry Logan, Oklahoma Division Commander, and Duncan SCV Camp Commander, Frank Gilbert. Also participating, will be the 16th Arkansas re-enactor unit, and the Arbuckle area Boy Scouts. For further information, or directions to the Confederate section of Rose Hill, contact Terry Pierce at  [email protected]


The “Brush” automobile displayed in your newsletter last week was featured, front and center, in our Chisholm Trail Museum here in Duncan for a couple of years when they had an educational program for elementary kids from 9 counties, 6 in southern Okla and 3 of north Texas based on the fascinating book BUD & ME by Alta Abernathy (1998).


Patricia Adkins-Rochette
Duncan, OK www.bourlandcivilwar.com

Hey, Butch, been scanning more old photos today and had two that might interest you, especially the one of downtown Ardmore. The back of the photo says 1957. It’s J.C. Yeatts building and next to that is the old Park (Ritz?) Theater. Notice Strasmick’s Jewelers in between Yeatts and the theater. On the other side of the theater entrance is a Globe Caf? (which I don’t remember a caf? being there). Then there is Payne’s Barber Shop to the right of that. The sign above it looks like it might be Fairbanks Mo”tors”? Not sure, but underneath Fairbanks it says something about water systems so not sure what that business was. This was one of my mom’s old photos. The second photo is one of myself and my brother, Doug Pritchard, taken in 1967 at Devil’s Den. I have a lot more from there, but will have to locate them. I believe they called this formation “The Saddle”.  -Kathi, Fayetteville, Arkansas



Re Devils Den north of Tishomingo:  “They called it “Fat Man’s Misery”. I was too claustrophobic back then to make the attempt, now I’m too fat. HA!!! Kinda wish I was filthy rich so I could offer those people a huge bundle of money to buy the property and turn it into a park area. 🙂 Does anyone have any other information on the Devils Den? Plans for it?”



“Did you ever research the story about Oklahoma (actually the US Congress) stealing the SW corner of Oklahoma from Texas? They spent six years trying then finally used the simple expedient of re-naming the Red River to make the deal fit the language of the original agreement when Texas joined the union . Greer County was named for one of my ancestors, John Alexander Greer. The Supreme Court heard testimony from a preacher who called himself a hydrologist but never saw that part of the country and several Indians who weren’t even in Oklahoma in 1846 when Texas joined the union. Makes interesting reading and a good (or bad) example of how politics works in Washington DC.” -Jim Foreman


Q. “Butch, My lifelong friend Ken Bacon wrote in This & That recently, talking about a big fire on an oil rig Ken was working on. He talked about “….being on morning tower….” When I worked for Shell Oil, the rig guys would write “morning tour” on their logs. Which is it? I know you have a lot of oil & gas hands who read your wonderful history site, and perhaps they can assist. Google didn’t help.” -james clark, Ardmore

A. Ron Bryant wrote: “In written reports, we always spelled it ‘tour’ but for some unknown reason, it was always pronounced by crews as if it were ‘tower’. I always suspected that it had something to do with the literacy rate in the early drilling days of the teens’ & 1920’s when the vernacular was born.

“Thanks for the weather thread. That is a great site. I just got to open it this morning and it predicts 3 inches of snow for Big Sky today. It began snowing about an hour ago.  The other traffic circle that should be familiar to folks in Ardmore is the one that used to exist in north Dallas (the Harry Hines traffic circle).”  -Monroe Cameron  [email protected]

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” -John F. Kennedy

What They Gave To Me  (Performed at the half time show for the 2002 Florida Citrus Bowl by Jack Kapanka)


See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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