A Home Grown Home Page

Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 15  Issue 776  December 8, 2011

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 580-490-6823

12/10/11 Mystery solved.  After trial and error, I found that my subscribers (7 of them) with noble.org on the end would not go through. I don’t know if the Noble Mail Server was treating those 7 as Spam or what, but they were undeliverable. In fact, after trying to send them after about 10 minutes, my Mailer Program would just time out. It did that on each of those 3 noble.org emails. I was able to send my newsletter to those 7 subscribers by manually.  After all these years, that has never happened. Strange.

12/09/11 Only half of my 1,600 emails to subscribers went out last night. So I am trying again tonight to get the rest of the emails sent.  I am still unsure what happened. 

This week’s T&T is longer than usual because I’ve had lot of great info shared from emails by so many Readers. The Mailbag is full, and T&T newsletter archive re-visited from my 1998 issue is pretty lengthy. So I’m going to get to those in just a minute, but I did want to pass along to everyone a small newspaper clipping I just happened to stumble across years ago while researching something else. The article tells how Japan wanted to purchase a couple of islands off the east coast of Canada to build a military base:

The Daily Ardmoreite, January 21, 1907- Japan Wants to Purchase Islands: The Japanese government was pushing France to sell to them the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, both off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. The Japanese were wanting to use these two islands to build military bases. If the United States was to object to the purchase of these islands, Japan would immediately declare war against the U.S.

I just find it interesting that 35 years before the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Japanese were looking for a foothold in North America. Anyway, with that said, let’s get on with the rest of the goodies….

From This and That newsletter archives of December 12, 1998:
I ran across another unusual find the other day. I was going through some of my grandfather Stanley Carmon‘s items, and I found this picture in a frame. It’s a baby on the phone crying for help, asking for Number 1000. Phone number 1000 was the George C. Wright Lumber Company in Altus, Oklahoma. My grandfather built a school for the State of Oklahoma in Altus during the early 30s, and I’m sure this is when he obtained the advertisement picture. The school in Altus, Oklahoma (no longer there) was one of 29 schools he built around the state during the depression years.

On May 1, 1971 former Oklahoma State Senator Fred E. Tucker came to a homecoming occasion at the Oklahoma State Senate and he brought members of his family along with him. Senator Tucker served what was then known as District 18 in the State Senate, from 1915 to 1923 and reportedly represented the District very well. (After reapportionment the District was changed to 14.) The Tucker Tower at Lake Murray south of Ardmore is named in Senator Tucker’s honor and is recognized as one of the State’s most Recognized Landmarks. Senator Tucker lived in Texas at the time this photo was taken (1971) and was very impressed with our legislative process. I felt most honored to fellowship with him and profit from his recalling his early days of our State history. This 1971 photograph displays present day Senator Ernest Martin (Martin’s Landing) and to his right Senator Fred E. Tucker (Tucker Tower).
“Dale DeBerry’s (20 May 1957 – 1 Dec 1998) funeral was held in Lloyd Noble center (Norman, OK) It was the only place big enough) and we were told that the procession from Norman to Ardmore was nearly three miles long. I’d especially like to thank Ardmore Masonic Lodge No. 31 for the reception after the services in Ardmore. It had been a very long day by that time, and everyone was nearly exhausted. The food was fabulous and helped all of us regain our spirits. I literally felt ready to go out and face the world again.”
“Butch, in this weeks T&T there was mention of railroads in our area & it sparked a bit of memory back to my younger days. As a student at Franklin School (First Ward – N.W.) & even later when a student at Ardmore Junior High School we boys sometimes skipped class (played hooky). We walked the tracks west until we reached an old retired Steam Engine much like the one now displayed over on Lake Murray Drive. This old engine was a perfect place to play “engineer”. We all found something to do there and in our imagination we played every part to the hilt. The engine was located just about where the bowling alley or the Sonic now are located on Grand Ave – just east of the big vacant area now known as Commerce Street. When the old Ringling Railroad shut down the right-of-way was developed into what is now one of the business hubs of Ardmore. The Ardmore Public Library is located right in the middle of the old rail road right-of-way. East of the Library, about 4 blocks on the corner of N Washington & 3rd Ave the old Ringling Railroad depot is still standing & leased by the American Legion from the City of Ardmore for a dollar a year. Later I will tell you more about the train track area from the perspective of a young person of some 60+ years ago. I am sure there are many citizens of our area that could tell you much more also. Today, I would be surprised if our younger people ever knew that Grand Avenue once was a railroad right-of-way.”

Q.  What were the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma?
A:   Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek & Seminole

Q.  The land of Oklahoma was purchased from what country in 1803?
A.   (answer in next week’s newsletter)

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“Last Chance!! Our annual Western Swing Christmas Ball in Winfield, Kansas is coming up Saturday, December 10, 2011. The location is The Baden Square Community Center, 7th and Gary. Doors open at 6:30pm with dancing from 7pm to 10pm. Tickets are $20 each with light hors d’oeuvres included. For reservations, call 620-222-2154. Come join me and my Silver Lake Band for a fun evening.”  -Les Gilliam, “The Oklahoma Balladeer

“Butch, I don’t think I have seen you mention anything about the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Hall of Fame. Steve Downie is a good friend, he was a roping buddy and my best man at our wedding. We went up to the ceremony this afternoon. There were six officers, 3 posthumous and 3 living honored today. It was a very nice affair.” – Dr. Rick Woodbridge

Steve Downie Induction into Hall of Fame




“Hi Butch, I just finished reading T&T and saw the article about the Dougherty Depot. This brings back many memories of my days at the Big Canyon Quarry where I billed out many cars of crushed stone through Dougherty. During the 1950’s the agent at Dougherty was L. R. Mitchell and he told me that at one time the Dougherty Depot was highest revenue point on the northern division of the GCSF system. At that time Dolese Bros. Co was shipping crushed limestone, Makins Sand and Gravel was shipping their products and Southern Rock Asphalt had cars going to the Oklahoma market and were also shipping big quantities’ of Asphalt to New Mexico. He didn’t say when this happened but I know that during my time we sometimes shipped over 100 cars per day. As I remember, our biggest day was 126 cars. Most of the time it was in the range of 60 to 80 cars in any one day. I always enjoy T & T. To quote Bob Hope “Thanks for the Memories”.  Happy Trails.” -Roy Miller, Oklahoma City

Q. “I am trying to find the birthday of Dick Thompson, owner of the Thompson Theaters.” -Cleo LeVally, Healdton

A. Dick Thompson, December 1, 1911 to November 16, 1985. Buried at Provence Cemetery.

“I really enjoy your “This & That” newsletters. I was so happy to see the beautiful picture of the old Dougherty Depot. I have many memories of it and that town. The station master was named Denton. His daughter and I used to play along the platform in the early 1930’s. My grandfather, Bill Morgan, was a switchman for the Santa Fe Railroad. My dad, Jesse Payne, was the town barber. Dougherty was a friendly community.”  -Wilda Stephens

“Butch, we didn’t know if you have a pic of the bell at the Confederate Memorial Museum at Atoka, OK.”  -Carol & DW Wise


The Daily Ardmoreite
Rambling Reporter
May 26, 1946
In Memoriam – They answered the call of the drums of war. They sang and boasted, laughed, and joked their way to battle — light-hearted boys. They faced the fear, the fever, the fury of combat; ached and bled, prayed and died — stout – hearted men!
Captain John R. Steel, class of 1929; Lieut. James A. Conrady, class of 1932; Pfc. Louis E. Fraser, Chief Radio Electrician, Dexter Pat Morris, class of 1933; Lieut. Howard Paul Fonville, Lieut. John Darrell Stukenberg, class of 1934; Cadet Robert A. Cunningham, class of 1935; Pvt. Alonzo H. Duke Jr., Capt. Edward R. Halbach, Lieut. (jg) Frank E. Schneider, Pfc. Joe Holt Jr., Lieut. Noah Todd Hughes, class of 1936; Pfc. Johnny M. Dixon, class of 1937; Lieut. Sterling Hancock, Pfc. Paul Edward Bridges, class of 1938; Pfc. Vanoy C. Cummings, Sgt. John W. Fletcher Jr., Pfc. James E. LaRoche, Cpl. Donald J. McPherson, class of 1939; Cpl. Paul Duncan, class of 1940; Ensign Robert Paul Baker, Pfc. Cleburn W. Cude Jr., Cpl. John Robert Riesen, Lieut. Wm F. Freeman, class of 1941; Ensign Dick R. Cheney, S1/c Leon Scrugham, class of 1942. — Ardmore High School Criterion.
It is a sacred page from the school publication carrying a message that is already printed on the tablets of the hearts of our people. A precious sacrifice made to grim war. The list is of names of the men from Ardmore high school lost in the war. This item will be a part of the permanent history when it becomes a part of the files of this paper which will be preserved by being made into the film form and kept in a fire-proof vault.

Old photos of construction in OKC in the 1930’s, including digging the foundation for the First National Bank Building.


Springer Christmas Parade ? Saturday ? December 10 ? 1:00 PM
If you would like to participate in the parade, please meet at the school South parking lot at 12:30 PM.
Entry fee is 1 unwrapped toy to be donated. Enjoy the parade then join us for refreshments in the Community Center and see Santa. The parade is open to cars, bikes, ATV, horse groups, floats and walkers. Volunteers are welcome and greatly appreciated. For information please contact: Springer City Hall at 580-653-2500.

Use vPike street view to acquaint yourself with an area before you go there or you can call up places from your past to see what they look like now. vPike also has a driving simulator that enables you to simulate a drive-by of an area while you watch the street view scenery.


Many unclaimed checks due to errors in mailing address. Easy to check. The best thing, of course, is not to overpay in the first place.


“Butch, our pasture meets up to Hwy 76 and Airport Road, Healdton. A pack of 5-6 wild dogs have attacked our momma cows. A newborn calf is dead and calf #2 is at the vet with less than chance to live, the calf (it is very mangled.). The momma cows are crying for their babies. The dogs are running at large. Healdton PD has been notified and aware. If anyone you see any dogs in this area please let me know / contact CCSO or Frankie Williams 580-490-1423.” -Cheryl

P.S. Calf #2 vet sent him back home with meds. My hope is with bottle feedings he will make it 🙂

“Thomas Sidney Hollis, he was married to a Mary Elizabeth Boone, left her and their children in Madisonville Texas. Wound up in Ardmore between April 1900 (Bessie or Birdie or Bertha (she used all 3 names on different records.) She was born in Texas to William Yocum and Melissa Emeline (Emma) Stephens (maiden) Yocum April 15 1900 (my great grandmother is listed as Bessie O Yocum) and on that census record. Melissa left her 3 sons with their father and ended up in Ardmore Somewhere there after. Thomas and Emma married had 3 girls. Mary Magdelen (I beleive she married a Stewart) Mattie Jane (Married a Holler) and Myrtle (married a Palmer). By 1910 they are on the outskirts of San Antonio TX (my great grandmother was listed as Bertha Hollis. 1918 draft record lists her as Birtie Nollen. Last record is 1934 Funeral home record, The one across from the Court house. Her name is listed as Bessie Nolan. Hsband Albert Nolen b 1873, died Jan 1935. Left 3 orphaned kids Melva Dean, Clyde Nelson, and Eugene Paul. They lived with their grandmother for a little bit, then moved to live with their mothers brother whom they called Uncle D. This is David Franklin Yocum. A southern Baptist preacher whom lived near Dike Texas From mid 1935 this he passed after 1967-8. Have pics from a visit in 67 or 68. Im just trying to fill in a few blanks and questions that some family members have asked me, after I went to Ardmore and got a lot of info in 6 hours, just wish I had more time there.”  -Elizabeth Cook

“Well, as it turns out Butch, there is a vast debris field of knowledge, where the Lee brothers are concerned. I exhausted the sources under their names. But, anyone of an notoriety (Henderson, Roff, famous lawmen, etc.) all had something to say about the Lee Gang here in southern Oklahoma. And the reason i am having such difficulty pin-pointing their cabin, and the location of the shoot-out, is because although they had a central ranch, they also had hide-outs everywhere and people are confused when it comes to their locations. In one instance, the damning of Texoma may well have submerged the place I am looking for near “Olena”(?), and several other landmarks, now underwater and not on present day maps. Very challenging, this one = ) I did discover that “Lou” was Henderson’s wife, then changed to Dresden, then Berwyn, and Finally Gene Autry. Though one source says Dresden is halfway between Crusher (Big Canyon) and Berwyn (Gene Autry). The material is piling up. lol. Very interesting, the amount of material on a few dirty cattle-rustlers and murderers. lol.” -Brad Patrick


Museum Memories
Compiled by Melinda Taylor
The Wilson News
November 10, 1916

Wind and Rain
During the windstorm Wednesday morning the warehouse of C. P. Hall on the north main street was badly wrecked and no doubt would have gone completely over had it not been for the enormous stocks of furniture, hardware, etc., which it contained and which was piled ceiling high throughout the entire length of the 100 foot structure. Manager Lively was in the front of the building at the time waiting upon some lady customers and needless to say they did not feel at home during the brief period that the storm raged. It is estimated that at least a $2,000 loss will be suffered by the weight of the building leaning on furniture and the water damage from the rain which followed.

Wilson Museum Hours – Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. http://www.wilsonhistoricalmuseum.org

The Prayer by Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli 1998

“I pray you’ll be our eyes, and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise in times when we don’t know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we’ll be safe.”


See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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