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Vol 17  Issue 850 May 9, 2013

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402 Email:  [email protected] Phone: 580-490-6823

We made a long road trip last Friday traveling 175 miles west to Mangum, Oklahoma. I wanted to purchase 100 SMOOTH faced brick and Mangum Brick Company was the only place I could find them for 100 miles around. Those particular bricks were not actually made at the plant in Mangum, but were leftovers from a large order they had placed with a company in Ohio.

The Mangum Brick Company has been making bricks since 1902. They first started out at the SW edge of Mangum where the clay pit is located but around 1962 they moved into their new modern facility on the north edge of Mangum. After picking up the smooth face brick I was allowed to take a some pictures of the inner workings of the company’s brick making.

This first photo shows what they call “the car”. Each car holds about 300 raw bricks. Once the car starts through the furnace, about 90 minutes later the finished bricks comes out the other end of the furnace.





Here’s a pic of the smooth faced brick I picked up at Mangum last Friday.


Mangum Brick has a nice website, click on the History tab and read about the company’s beginnings along with some historical photos.


When we left Mangum we traveled east to Hobart, Oklahoma. It was lunch time and I asked a man downtown where we could find a good place to eat a hamburger, and the man immediately said, “Bedlam Bar and Grill on the highway.” When we first pulled in, we both thought, hum, maybe not the place to eat, but I convinced Jill to go inside. I ordered their $4.50 burger, and the wait was long, but it was worth it. A delicious burger! Jill ordered their turkey and cheese club sandwich and raved how great it was the whole time we were eating. lol


After eating we went downtown to take a picture of the First Methodist Church my grandfather built in 1926. It is still being used by the Methodist in Hobart.


A couple of blocks away on Main street is the Stanley Building. My grandfather built it about 1930. For many years up until 1986, it housed a furniture store on the first floor, on the second floor was the Masonic Lodge, and some other businesses. Here is a pic the police chief, Joe McCall, of Hobart took of it in 1992.


Below is a picture of the Stanley Building as it looks today. Still a very well maintained building. Today it houses the General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute and Museum on the first floor. The building was closed but I could see a number of stuffed bear, deer, buffalo, lion and other animals through the museum’s windows. I saw on May 25th at 6:30pm they are holding their Celebration of Freedom event. The Diamond Rio Band will be performing that evening. I like their song “One More Day”.


We left Hobart and traveled south to Snyder, Oklahoma and took a pic of the old school my grandfather built about 1930. Its been added on to several times, but still being used.


Went around the block and spotted a bell at the Pentecostal church.


The Oklahoma Outlaw Lawman History Association (OKOLHA) will be hosting a Rendezvous on Saturday May 18, 2013 at Konawa, Oklahoma (NW of Ada). The history conference will be held at the Konawa Community Center at 630 North Madison. The conference is open to the public and there is no admission charge. The link below will take you to the agenda, I can see there will be some very interesting history shared to all in attendance! Ken Frates will be the guest speaker.


Below is a map I marked with a red X showing the location of the Community Center.


Anyone having a GPS (we love ours) can poke in the following and go right to it.

34.964600, -96.749968

The first Ardmore High School graduate to lose his life in World War II was Paul Duncan (Class of 1940). He was killed in action in the Philippines on January 23, 1942.

1941 Ardmore Printing Company, 22 N. Washington, Robert L. Turner
1941 Davis and Eakin Lumber Company, 4th and Caddo
1941 Johnson Furniture Company, 208 West Main
1941 Beattie and Larsen Jewelers
1941 Hunt-Goldner Green House and Flower Shops, 4th and L Street SW

The free Okie dirt office in Ardmore has a new number to call for info: 580-223-9799



Sylvan, Oklahoma – In southwestern Johnston county, 8 miles north of Mannsville. A post office from May 18, 1895 to February 28, 1905. The name is from the Latin word silva, meaning forest.

Strohm, Oklahoma – In Osage county, 7 miles northeast of Fairfax. Named for Charles B. Strohm, Santa Fe Railway official.

Been staying busy in the evenings this week making custom engraved pavers.  They are turning out really nice.




Q.  Which Oklahoma born icon fought Bruce Lee in the 1975 flick Way of the Dragon?
A.   Chuck Norris

Q.  Quartz Mountain is in what mountain range?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of May 13, 2000:

In the 1950s the courthouse in Ardmore employed a janitor by the name of James Harris “Harry” Gaines. A reader sent me his photo this week to share with everyone.
” A friend from my past and the northeast part of Ardmore where I grew up, gave me a photo this week to scan. It was taken about 1960 I think. The people in the pic on the bottom row, left to right are: (unknown), Irma Bailey, her son “Jug” Bailey, Tommy Lakey and Jimmy Brooks. On the back row from left to right are a Dishman, Marion Hansen Sadler, (unknown), (unknown), my mother Louise Carmon Bridges, and then little ole me on the very far end on the right.

The reason I’m showing the above photo is I wanted to share something. Irma Bailey was a full blood Native American Indian and lived at 1313 3rd NE here in Ardmore. She and my mother, Louise Bridges, were the best of friends and we went to Irma’s house a lot. My mother had an alcohol problem back in the 1950s. Through the friendship and encouragement of Irma Bailey my mother was able to stop drinking, and Irma probably saved my mother’s life. I wish Irma was still alive, I’d thank her for what she did in my mother’s life. Friends can be priceless. My mother died in 1990.” -Butch Bridges
“Butch I go through Idabel, OK about 3 times a year and I think they paint new murals about every year. They are really some pretty drawings and the artist does a great job.”
“Dear Sir. How odd. Not too long ago I found a picture of my father in Homecoming at Vanoss High School. Teasing him about it, he replied he was king two years in a row “thank you very much”!  I asked about the young lady in the picture and he said her name and that she died in a plane crash (1966), and had been a stewardess. Then he said she was a really nice person. Something stuck with me the other day and while browsing the AZ boards (I grew up in AZ) on GenForum I saw reference to a crash. I called my mother and asked the woman’s name and she said “Wanda Stonecipher”. Then I found her name on your website.”
“The person who said the revolving door was at the Ardmore Hotel was definitely correct. I remember as a child going there just to go through those doors. It was hardly a trip to town if we didn’t walk up there and go through those doors, maybe several times. Weren’t there some at the office building that was next to the old Exchange National Bank too? Seems like I remember them there too. Boy you could get a good “Cherry Phosphate” at the fountain there. Those were the simple days when a kid could go to town and be safe.”
“I was sadden last week when I heard about the death of Ardmoreite L.T. “Red” Kitchens. When I asked in my T&T February 26th, 2000 for donations to the American Flyers Memorial, L.T. Kitchens was the fourth person to respond with a donation. I’d like to share with everyone the email Mr. Kitchens sent me that Saturday:

“Please put us on your list for $25.00 contribution. I was foreman for American Flyers Airline meeting the airplane on a through flight from California. I heard the airplane as it was making an approach. The ceiling was low and I heard an explosion. I called the tower to find out if they still had contact with the airplane, which they didn’t. I called and notified my boss and told him that I thought the airplane had gone down. He came out and we went by car to the sight. We were the first car there. At which time we looked for the aircraft form 1 and also the flight data recorder. Death and destruction was everywhere. The airplane had hit in a herd of cattle and people and cattle were scattered and burning. It’s not a sight you would EVER forget. Also, I personally knew the flight crew as well. It was unbelievable. My name is L.T. Kitchens, 1950 Hawkins St. Ardmore, OK. 73401”

I never met Mr. Kitchens. But through the power of email and a tragedy that took place 33 years ago, our paths crossed. He did not live to see the memorial to completion. But I know on the day the dedication ceremony is held, Mr. Kitchens will be there with us. In behalf of two stewardesses, four crew members and 77 young boys, thank you Mr. Kitchens.”   -Butch Bridges

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……


Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“I am looking for great grandmother, Effie Virginia Newman Caldwell’s, gravesite. She died May 30, 1097 in Ardmore but there is no death certificate.  She was born May 23, 1874 in Fayette Co, TX and her parents are buried in Cornish and Angie Hughes walked the Cornish cemetery but could not find a gave  for Effie. Find a gave site has been searched and ancestry.com If anyone knows anything regarding her place of burial please email me. [email protected] ” -Cheryl

“Does anyone have any information on the Blue Jay Drive In that was located on North Commerce (1111 West Main)? It was located south of Braums where Glen Rabe car lot is located today. I remember back in the late 60’s there was a Neon Blue Jay on top of where the cars pulled in to order food or drink items. Who was the owners?”

“Enjoyed the article about Dr. Higgins. He was the doctor that delivered me in 1934. I grew up with Higgins oil. My mother still had a bottle of it when she passed away in 1997!.  Thanks for all your hard work on the This and That Newsletter. It keeps me connected to my hometown!”  -Vonda Dihm

“Wow, Butch! Has it really been 13 years since you published my request for assistance in your newsletter? What a excellent idea that turned out to be. Thanks to your newsletter and the kindness and generosity of your readers, especially Doug Williams, Dwane Stevens and Roy Miller, I feel like I know nearly as much about Carter, Murray and Garvin counties as I do about my own City of Casey! Within two weeks of my email being published I had received more than 50 emails from people offering help, or passing on memories of what they had seen. Sadly, I lost almost all of that correspondence along with the email addresses just a few weeks later, due to a HDD crash. But not before I had printed out the text of most of the messages. So to anyone who I failed to reply to, please accept my apology for that failure. Hasn’t the internet changed a lot since those days? Thirteen years ago I was struggling to find out pretty much anything about the area I’m interested in. Now I can use Google Earth and Bing! to get photos of the buildings, just as if I was there myself. When your email arrived I was working on a model of Martin Fertilizer at Wynnewood, using photos downloaded from the internet. The model isn’t totally accurate (I should have studied the photos better), but at least it will have the essential look. Now I just need to find out whether Martin Fertilizer actually existed back in 1960, and if not, then what industry was located in these buildings (if indeed they existed at all. Best regards,” -Ron in Australia [email protected]

Re: Tribe Park at Monroe and North Washington:  “We had some great times at those games. Puny Sparger was the PA announcer delivering play by play as the game progressed.” -Mae Cox

“Butch, We enjoyed the pictures of Tribe Field. In junior high I went there many times with my friend Frances Jobe. Her father was a real baseball fan. Their whole family went and I was included. Little did I know my future husband played there during that time playing for Ada. We met later at Southeastern.  Always enjoy your newsletter on Thursday evenings. Thanks.” -Joanne and Fern Smathers, Louisiana

“Photos of Arbuckle Mountains and Turner Falls area today.”  -Doug Williams

Hello Everybody:
An early morning drive is a great time for reflection, resolution, and determination: to make the present day a great day. On our regular Senior-day trip to Winstar, we once again enjoyed the mid-weekly anticipation of Senior perks. Re-energized, rebooted, and refinanced, we set out to push the envelope as far as possible and to live as fast as Senior life will permit. So, opportunely, we look forward to our weekly diversion at Winstar’s giant entertainment mecca surprisingly manifested on the Oklahoma bank of Red River.

It’s not hard to enjoy a visit to Winstar; they’ve spent a ton of money to make guests as happy and comfortable as possible. First, we park our vehicle in a free and protective multi-story parking garage. If a storm comes along, not to worry — garaged vehicles rest under tons of protective concrete. Next, Seniors receive a free and bounteous breakfast buffet. No sooner do we sit down to a variety of popular breakfast choices, then The Highrollers band begins a two-hour performance of hit tunes for our listening and dancing pleasure.

So far, after two and one-half hours of pampering, service, free stuff, and appeal to our basic comfort levels, it comes time to ‘put up’ or ‘shut up.’ Well, Winstar ambiance finally soaks into the bloodstream and magnifies breakfast-teer options stay put or venture out. An itch to test the caprice of Lady Luck develops, and Murphy’s Law challenges more by the minute.

So, what do you do? You scratch until satisfied, and rise to the challenge, of course! Right away, the first glittering, flashing, and pinging device to catch your eye alleviates this itch, somewhat; insidiously, the impulse to test one’s luck dampens caution and abets more reckless instincts. After all, one can never know the status of luck until he engages the whims of our Lady in question. Hey, isn’t a nice, progressive jackpot enticing, or doesn’t the pot at the end of every rainbow fire your imagination, and do they not just sit there — waiting?

But you have to go look for them, and Jo and I are ‘in the hunt.’

Right after ‘chuck,’ Jo and I set out to find the nearest jackpot. Once again, we steer clear of the mean Green Machine; at five bucks a throw, we’re still wary and smarting from the beating it administered a few weeks back. I’m still game, sort of; I just need another few days to lick my wounds. But I’ll be back! You know what I always say: “God hates a quitter.”

Today, I invested in five horses running at Churchill, I bet them all to win; if each runs second, then I will have lost all five bets. A lot of things can go wrong in a horse race; therefore, Murphy’s Law comes into play. There is one consolation: if all bets go south; Winstar will have provided a clean and well-furnished Horse Parlor to indulge our fascination with the sport. (No results as yet, but we will furnish the moments of truth by the time this Newsletter is finished.) Last week, I bet four horses; two ran second and two ran third. I guess that is why they call it gambling. Okay, now I can report the results from today’s rather poor showing at Churchill Downs. I had two seconds and a third out of five races. In my own defense, my bets are restricted to horses at 5-1 and above. A win every once in a while keeps my head above water. For enthusiasts, I would like to report a sure-fire system that wins at every turn; however, that is not to be. Seems, we have to take our lumps every once in a while before we can boast about how clever we have become. My motto is: next time!

Down near the Global Event Center, nearly 3/4ths of a mile from where we enjoyed a free breakfast, we settled down to some likely looking gaming machines. I did hit a jackpot, but it was barely enough to cover my losses and leave me a $10 winner. Jo didn’t do as well. She won’t tell, but I figure she lost more than I won. But that is how it goes sometimes — win some and lose some.

Jo and I could not return to Winstar on Thursday; we attended a funeral service for one of Jo’s relatives, up near Hennepin. And let me tell you: it was a cold day for graveside services. In 40 degree temperature, a 40 mph blustery Norther blew down across Central Oklahoma and dampened spirits even more. Fortunately, I had a fleece-lined long-coat to shield Jo and I from the fierce wind.Life is for the living; tragedy and loss has a way of fading if we can succeed into more favorable circumstances. That should be our over-riding attitude.Tomorrow will give us a fresh start, moderating weather, and a renewed search for the rainbow’s gold-filled pot. Jo and I will return to the challenge next Wednesday: looking, searching, and probing for the Winstar jackpot. I’ll give give a full report.Until then,”  -Ben    www.winterbriar.com

Butch, do you have any pictures and or info on the old swimming pool that was in Whittington Park just north of the coliseum for so many years? I can only remember vaguely swimming there before the pool over by Washington elementary was built later on. -Jay Cook



“About 1939 when I was 15, or maybe a year later, all the boys I knew had guns of some kind. It was Sunday and stores were closed but we knew Mr. Kenyon of Kenyon Auto Parts, NE corner C St & West Main did his book keeping and the back door of his store would be open. David Hancock and I were there buying cartridges for our .22 pistols, .22 shorts for fifteen cents a box, planning to go out shooting that afternoon. The phone rang and Kenyon’s wife reported police and shots in the neighborhood. They lived in the same block as I did. I had my Grandfather’s Model A Ford and we raced to the scene. Much of it was all over by the time we got there.

Police had been on the lookout for three escaped Texas convicts. On Sunday Ardmore’s police car was manned by one relief policeman who worked normally as the town dogcatcher. He had identified the escapee’s car and followed it to our area before deciding to force it to stop. Our block was the last paved street and the next block was dried mud and ruts. There, B st. NW & 13th Ave, the cars lurched to a stop, one of the convicts fired at the policeman with a shotgun, their only firearm. The shot hit the windshield of the police car without injuring the occupant. The gunman’s decision to fire when he did was a bad choice because return fire from the policeman canceled his career on the spot. He fired again hitting one of the other convicts in the arm. Both of the survivors, now afoot, ran away, one slightly wounded.

The uninjured convict ran across the street, attempting to enter a house. The housewife had been sitting in the front room at her sewing machine when the fracas started. As the man tried to open the latched screen door, she did the normal thing one would expect of a red blooded Oklahoma housewife. With her trusty .38 Saturday night special she drilled him in the leg. Now two down and one to go.

David Hancock and I arrived on the scene shortly after this. The third fugitive had taken refuge in a wooded area a few hundred yards to the north. The furor had aroused a number of men, mostly armed with their shotguns, who had given pursuit. My friend and I, armed to the teeth with our .22 pistols, hastened to join in the chase and capture. Just as we got to the immediate area, ready to join the posse, the pitiful evil-doer was marched out under the guns of about a dozen determined citizens.The dogcatcher was made a regular policeman and served for a number of years.” -Bob McCrory

Springer, Oklahoma Volunteer Fire Department Fundraiser is Saturday May 11th at 6:00pm.

“Thought I would let you know that I?ve started adding to the Ardmore yearbook website again. A 1945 20 year reunion book. 51 pages! It?s in the 40?s tab. It has updates on all the graduates. 1948 reunion pamphlet. It?s with the19 48 Criterion. 1973 Chamber of Commerce 31 page magazine in the History tab. 1965, 1966 and 1972 Tribesman yearbook from Murray State College. I started a new tab ?MSC? for these because there are going to be many more to come.”  -Steve Hamm

One More Day by Diamond Rio – September 28, 2000

Last Night I had a crazy dream
Wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn’t ask for money, or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished for one more day with you

One more day, One more time
One more sunset maybe I’d be satisfied
But then again; I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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