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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 17  Issue 853  May 30, 2013

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402 Email:  [email protected] Phone: 580-490-6823

I posted the following question on my Facebook last week:

“Butch — a question for you. What year did McDonalds come to Ardmore? Was there one there during the 1950’s?” -Ken Barrett

Within hours there were over 100 Posts.  Come to find out the McDonalds on West Broadway was the first one, and it was built in May 1976.  Time sure flies.  The interesting thing was this same spot is where a house owned by Schery Williams’ parents lived, and where Scheryl and Doug Williams got married. The two-story house was later bought and moved SW of Lone Grove on Cheek Road where it sits today. The house has had a couple major remodels since being moved out in the country in the 70s.


The McDonalds on West Broadway was the first McDonalds in Ardmore.

In 1960 a Selwyn Lasik lived in the house.


I did a search and found the following:
Name: Selwyn Lacik.  Birth: 23 Jun 1922.  Death: 28 Apr 2013

In the 1990s and early 2000s a Selwyn Lacik lived in Dallas.  I’m assuming this is the same person who lived in Ardmore in the 1950s.

Received an email this from Texas.  Wayne Whitted has been scanning some old photos… well, here it is in his own words:

“Butch I have been scanning some old photos of my family and have quite a few school photos and a few military photos with unidentified people. Most are from the Healdton area so I thought some of your newsletter readers might want to see them and maybe identify some if they can. Most of the school photos are labeled with school names and year dates range from late 1940’s to 1960.
The military photos appear to be late 1940’s to 1950’s. Here is a web link to see the photos on Google Plus web site.”  
-Wayne Whitted

Wayne’s Photos

I’ve now reached my 5,000 friends limit by Facebook that a person can have.  The only thing someone can do to be added to my Facebook is click on FOLLOW at the upper right. Sorry.  I dont make the rules, I just follow them.

Wanted to share an email I received the other day from my uncle in California, Donald Bridges. I’m proud to call him kinfolk.

“Top ribbon is WWII Victory medal. President Truman issued a proclamation declaring WWII officially ended and anyone in service before 31 Dec was a vet. Yes, I even went to OSU (then called A&M) on the WWII GI Bill. Second line red ribbon is National Defense (in-between wars, thus a star emblem on it). Blue is for Korean Service. Third line from left: blue is UN-Korea; yellow in middle is Vietnam Service; and on right green one is Vietnam Campaign. The badge on the right is a miniature of the one I carried 20 years. The miniature on the left is ACICV (Army Counter Intelligence Corps Veterans), a professional group of us oldies.”  -Donald Bridges, California

Bricks completed…..


Q.  How many counties in Oklahoma?
A.   77

Q.  How many miles of shoreline within Oklahoma?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of June 3, 2000:“I don’t know how many tornados have been in Ardmore but I remember on in about 1945 or 46. I was in the 6th grade at Franklin Elementary School. It was quite a storm, my dad came and got me out of bed and told me to be careful there was glass on my floor. The wind had blown a 50 gal barrel against the double windows of my room. We were lucky just that year they had cut down a big Cottonwood tree that was just outside the window because of my brother’s allergies. Our house wasn’t hurt much, we thought, but we found later it had been moved off the foundation just a couple of inches. The chicken house in back was blown down. Workers were cleaning up a week later and an old chicken came from under the rubble squawking. Hungry but ok. The yard at the school where we still had school that morning was pretty messy and some big old trees were blown down. Many houses were damaged and blown away in our neighborhood, but it skipped whole streets and hit others with tremendous force. Those were days to remember in my home town.”
“Butch I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your site. You see I have been away from Ardmore about 10 years and this site lets me come back Home, even if it is for a short time. Since leaving I have lived in LA. and now I live in TX. I can go online at anytime and check into things back HOME. I want you to know that we (everyone that gets your mailing) would never be able to show you how much we appreciate you taking the time to put this site together for us. Thank you again.”
“Butch, I noticed in the Ardmoreite yesterday that the Civic auditorium is now being called Heritage Hall, do you know when and why the name was changed….I believe the people of Ardmore needed a say if the city fathers decided to change the name.”
“I noticed the poetry link in the last T&T. I was able to find a poem that I have been in search of for many years. This inspired me to try one more time to find another…I found this website and all I had to do was type in a word from the poem and voila~ The bright point of my day today… finding these two poems.”


Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……


Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..“Hi Butch, I was born in 1940 and remember vaguely the mid ’40s when the war was winding down, I still have some of the family’s old ration stamp books including mine. Just read the story about Bud Ballew and Pat Garrett, I remember my stepdad, W. O. “Bill” Carter Sr. telling me stories about the pair. He evidently knew both of them, thought they were both great men. Guess it depended on which end of the gun one was on.”  -Wayne Mitchell

“Butch, you asked me if my photos were in Dillard OK! Yes they were. My parents, Mike & Peggy Dixon owned that grocery store way before I was born. I don’t really know the whole story. What I do know is they got married in April of 46 and my grandparents Jeff and Jimmie Dixon already had the store, so my parents ran it for a few years till he got a job with Samedan Oil which was a part of Noble there in Ardmore. (I think my parents either bought it form them or they gave it to them) The photos of the little boys in the photo are my cousins and they were born in Nov of 47, and they look to be about a year or so, so I know my parents still had the store then! I’m not sure what year they sold it, but they sold it to W. A “Dub” Taliaferro. (I wasn’t born till Nov of 56) I grew up knowing they used to own the store, and when we would come up and visit my grandparents, sometimes we would go driving up all those old country roads, Mom would show me places she used to live. Her dad used to work for Magnolia and they lived all over different oil camps there around Rexroat, Dillard, Oil City…. So I do remember seeing the store when I was younger. My parents graduated from Wilson HS, Daddy got transferred when I was 2 to out of state with Samedan and we moved around a little till he retired in 81 and they moved back to Lone Grove! Daddy passed away in 89 an Mom in 09. My other grandmother, my Mom’s mom, Mildred Weger later married Jess Hyde of Hyde’s grocery. (so she because Mildred Hyde) I think I might of been about 12 or 13 when they got married. She was married to him till he passed away in late 70;s, (I know it was after 78 but before 80, was between my 2 sons births) . I spent a lot of time at his grocery store when we would go visit! He was a great man! She passed away in 99.” -Deb Holmes   [email protected]

“Hi Butch, Just thought I?d make a couple of comments about educated hamburgers and also about Folgers? hamburgers. I was in college at East Central during the mid 60?s. At lunch time, if you didn?t get a head start in Ada, you would have a hard time getting anything to eat at the popular places. I don?t remember the name of the little joint just off Main Street where a group of my friends and I would drive through. But I do remember they had educated hamburgers. I think it was a burger with no onions and mayonnaise, but I?m certainly not sure about that. Not too long ago, I remember getting into a discussion with someone about educated hamburgers who thought I had just made up the story about such a burger. About Folgers? thin patties. That is the way my mom made her patties, and so do I.  By the way she was well known for her great hamburgers. I guess it?s just a matter of taste or something about the area. I grew up on a farm eight miles southeast of Stonewall, and you couldn?t get more rural than that. Enjoyed reading about all the great burgers in my dearly loved Oklahoma. I left there in 1967 and have missed it ever since.” -June Kifer Farmer

“Here?s an old pic I found while digging in my mom?s stuff. Not sure what the occasion was. Date at the top says Oct 29, 1945. My great aunt, Ozella Crosby, lived in Gene Autry, so this could have been one of her pictures. Do you know what the ?XA? on the sign means?”  -Kerry

“Thank you so much for the story & the pictures of the Skyview. I had forgotten all about those monthly calendars they handed out. Gosh, what I wouldn’t give to have one of ours back again. I love that this one has an Elvis movie, a couple of Disney movies & a couple of Westerns–something for everyone. It’s just so sad that no one would invest the money into the Skyview to keep it running. So much fun & so many memories of going as a kid and then being able to take my son, too, in the 80’s.”  -Kathi G, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Hello Everybody:
Five years ago, the Winstar site harbored only a few scattered peanut farms, a lazy Red River, swarms of mosquitoes, and an occasional crow cawing his displeasure over the least trespass of his scrub land solitude. Look at it now, the Red River still lazily flows its ancient course; busy construction and entertainment activity on the north bank has dispatched Mr. Crow to search for less disquieting environs. In these recently invaded surroundings, twenty story cranes lift heavy loads into momentous development. Heavy equipment shapes the once shifting sands into landscapes never imagined ten years earlier. A billion dollar industry rises from the once sleepy Thackerville hamlet, now neighbor to a throbbing dynamo never at rest: pulsing, glittering, resounding, and replacing the crow’s lonely protest with a liveliness now attracting more and more interest: a growing influx of transpoters, materials, employees, entertainment seekers, entertainers, and gourmet foods for the most particular palate.

The Winstar panorama surprises senses with its sudden magnificence in the midst of rural commonality. Looming over a vast succession of architectural facades reminiscent of world impressions, giant hotels and other construction projects greet the eye in all directions. For those of us in easy driving distance, it is a welcome and familiar vista.

A four story parking garage beckons visitors to handy elevators access; outside, acres of parking lie ready for those not familiar with the protected parking. Entering at any of many entrances punctuating stretches in the giant ell shaped edifice, carved from perhaps a mile of uninterrupted construction, we connect with the dynamic hum, glitz and glitter: amidst continuous sights and sounds of nonstop activity.

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, this sprawling complex has special appeal for Senior Citizens, 55+ and older. A free buffet breakfast awaits any and all willing to make an appearance. A dozen (and more) skillets are hot and ready for omelets flipped to satisfaction. With hardly any encouragement, those omelets just jump up about an inch and flip over. It is fun to watch. Countless other prepared treats are ready for those fortunate to be in attendance. If you miss out, it is all your fault. Me, I’m going to be there every Wednesday and Thursday. But food is not the only draw to Winstar’s fun and games! The Highrollers are on stage at 8:00 a.m., for your listening and dancing pleasure. While patrons dine on the many food choices, four serving lines, and many large serving counters, The Highrollers please the ear with a great variety of music genre. They welcome requests. I’m not selling tickets (fact is, there are no tickets, it’s all free); however, for the uninitiated, it helps to know ‘how good it is.’ The Highrollers have entertained for over two and 1/2 years, twice per week, and they just get better from week to week; notwithstanding, their repertoire grows with weekly rehearsals, bringing new songs inspired by the many requests. This week, the band male members were dressed pretty splashy with black suits and turquoise ties. Many aficionados were heard to comment on how great the band looked, coordinated with the lone girl member’s, Stephanie’s, turquoise blouse. I have written about The Highrollers many times; here, I more or less repeat myself due to this E-report’s added audience in the Butch Bridges This & That publication (1500+ circulation). On state, Stephanie is introduced by Dan Bradford, band leader, vocalist, bass guitarist, as: “The greatest little chick-singer in the world — in her price range.” For those unacquainted with Stephanie, she is not just a singer but a performer. She would not be intimidated on stage, costarring with the likes of Leann Rimes, Cline, Carpenter, Ronstadt, Carter, Wynette, or any other older and more familiar star. Also in the band, Mike Nicosia, plays the keyboard and croons with the best of them. Paul Piper, percussionist, is expert, fun on stage and off. Randy Vradenberg, guitarist, could play Hee Haw, the philharmonic, or wherever they might need top talent. Too, Randy has an envious voice. Mario Cruz excels on the saxophone, flute, and clarinet; he can even pinch-hit on the piano. What a pleasure it has been for Jo and I to meet and interchange with band individuals: to breakfast, gab, discuss music, family, and even tout a song or two.

For the girls: this Thursday, Stephanie was resplendent in black designer jeans, cranberry sequined and strapped blouse, and wedged-heeled sandals.

As regular patrons, Jo and I enjoy a lot of new friends at the Winstar complex and continue to meet new people in this convivial gathering. If your routine is getting a little stale, ‘come on down.’ Jo and I will be at the front table center — if some one doesn’t grab it before we settle in. We love to make new friends and enjoy our old ones. I also heard someone in the band say: “I have never made so many friends as here at Winstar.” Winstar must be doing something right.

Fed up with food and filled up with music, it’s either go home or see what else Winstar has to offer. Well, it doesn’t take long to find something to key in on. First, I steer clear of The Green Machine ($5 per pop); it doesn’t take long to gravitate elsewhere. The Golden Goddess and Dangerous Beauty machines catch our eye. These are fun machines. We both wind up modest winners (very modest winners). Due to prior commitments, we have to leave. This month, we received gratuity cards, in the snail-mail form, giving us free entry into the Firehouse Grill buffet dinner. Drat! We had to go, and I was just getting started. I want to hit a few big ones: like Gary Elrod, our friend and Elvis impersonator. Gary sounds just like Elvis; in fact, Gary is occasionally invited on stage to perform with The Highrollers!

We count our selves lucky to have Winstar within a short driving distance. We’ll be back next week, hoping our luck will hold. In any event, we will have a fun trip.Until next time,
Ben Winter

“WOW! The photos supplied by Jim Gaskins and his memories of the drive-in movie days brought back my own memories of my 30+ years in the movie theatre industry, especially the photo of the snack-bar’s pop-corn machine which I think is a Star model 44 like the one I used in my Star Theatre in Minco, Oklahoma (I still have it in storage here in Perry where my last theatre was operated); and the photo of the movie calendar (printed by Theatre Calendar Service).  Theatre Calendar Service was owned and operated by Roy Avey and his son Dick Avey. When Roy Avey was a teen-ager, he worked for my dad (J. C. Kendrick)in the first Kendrick Grocery in Britton, Oklahoma and was such a good worker and friend that my dad named me for him! And as an adult, he and his family traded with us at the second Kendrick Grocery (which was just a short distance from the first). I was a youngster working at my first paying job in a movie theatre when I was introduced to him at the grocery store, and later on (after I began operating my own movie theatres, I relied on his company to print most of my calendars and ‘handbills’ to publicize the films that played. Thanks Butch (and Jim) for bringing back those memories of yesteryear.”  -Roy Kendrick

Healing in the Heartland benefit at Oklahoma City.

The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert – May 29, 2013


See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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