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Vol 17  Issue 862  August 1, 2013

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402 Email:  [email protected] Phone: 580-490-6823

Back in 2004 I received an email from my uncle, Don Bridges, telling about his grandfather being murdered in Addington, Oklahoma. It seems that around 1900, well, here it is in his own words:

May 22, 2004 T&T:  “Hi Butch, I hope someone can check out any report of the murder of my grandfather, Robert William Bridges, in or around Addington or Waurika, Jefferson County, Indian Territory sometime between 1897 and 1903 by Willie Cain, a brother of Drusie Ella Cain, wife of Robert. I have exhausted all other sources I can think of, so how about it? Please see if you can find any information regarding this. I could not find any record of his burial in that area last October when I was in Ardmore. I drove out to Waurika and I did come up with info about sale of his 500 acres at Addington 1906-1911 by his younger brother William Joseph Bridges. I think that possibly he actually was killed around Houston, Texas, while visiting his wife’s relatives there, but anyway. Thanks, nephew!” -Don Bridges, Sr. California

We were in Addington last Saturday but I didn’t find any info on Robert Bridges’ killer, but we did see one of the best kept secrets in Oklahoma. It is one of the best antique stores around, the Addington Station Antiques ran by Pat Webb. If you are in the area of Waurika/Addington we recommend you checking out Pat’s place. Antiques are everywhere you look, and a ton of history in several buildings, so its really a fantastic walk down memory lane. Below are some photos I took while we browsed around the place.

Here is a front views of Addington Station Antiques.



And the following links are photos I took….








Only 2 of these are known to exist, and this one is in Addington, Oklahoma. Trigger!



I have one of these old butter churns, but without the glass jug. Mine is a Daisy churn.


And this old guy is messing with dynamite.  lol


Didn’t Clint Eastwood make this statement in a movie?


Here lies Clayton Moore…..


After leaving Addington and heading home, we had to stop by Mud Creek BBQ in Ringing, Oklahoma and picked up a pound of sliced beef.  Their BBQ one of the best around, so tender and not greasy.



About 7 stories up I can see Lake Murray or a tiny bit of it, from the dome of the courthouse.


This poor owl above the old First National Bank of Ardmore on Main Street needs help.


Speaking of downtown Ardmore, here is something for you old timers out there.  I had a request this week to see if anyone can identify the Ardmore businessmen in the photo below.  If  you recognize any, let me know.


This is a pic of the old swinging bridge at Tishomingo, Oklahoma.  It is not more, washed away in the 80s.


Workers have been busy this week remodeling the windows at First Baptist Church of Ardmore.


Q.  What Oklahoma Lake is located at the intersection of the Canadian, the South Canadian, and the Deep Fork rivers?
A.  Lake Eufaula

Q.  Which Oklahoma City area institution of higher learning is the alma mater of Kristin Chenowith, Leona Mitchell and Ernest Istook?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of July 31, 1999:The sheriffs department here has started what may be a first in Oklahoma. It’s the Deputy Ranger Program. Employee Lori Jones has created a website to tell about this new endeavor to introduce and educate young people to law enforcement.
About 35 miles southeast of Oklahoma City is Asher, Oklahoma. In 1908 they claimed to have had the largest ear of corn in the world.
“I thought I would get a little news from OK. I was born in OKC. Lived in Healdton a long time and still have folks there. I live in Germany now. I moved here in 1964….get a little news from my family and all the other OKIES.”
“Your lye-soap awards remind me of one of the things I used to wonder about as a kid. Remember when KXII had a local daytime show called “Woman’s World,” hosted by a pleasant matron named Dorothy Cox. And once a week, Dorothy would pull a postcard out of a fishbowl to determine that week’s winner of a bottle of Adams’s Vanilla Extract. I could never imagine just who would bother with sending a postcard in in hopes of winning a bottle of vanilla. I mean, I like and use vanilla extract myself, with some regularity, but when I enter a contest, I want one of those Publisher’s Clearinghouse millions, maybe a boat and trailer, or a trip to London. It’s a shame all those locally produced shows are gone, all over the country: even in little towns like Ardmore, there was always a local kiddie show, and sometimes a “talk” show like Woman’s World. Everybody over 35 remembers “Miss Carol’s Clubhouse,” I trust (we were always using her to find homes for the produce of our remarkably fecund cats and dogs). And how about “Mr Peppermint” and “Icky Twerp’s Slam-Bang Theater” from Dallas, and “Miss Fran From Storyland” out of Oklahoma City. “The Hudson Brothers Show” on Channel 10 on Sunday afternoons? Now it’s all canned cartoons, unemployed idiots with bad teeth and stringy hair telling Jerry Springer about their sex lives, and reruns of sitcoms that weren’t very funny the first time out.”

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……


Check gas prices by town or zip code anywhere in U.S.


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“Butch, Attached are the before and after pictures of our church bell at Wickline United Methodist Church in Midwest City, OK. The bell was recently taken down and cleaned up. Enjoy.”  -Dennis Lippe


“Butch: Wayland Alexander of Ardmore hosted a cousin’s reunion last Saturday, July 27 at the Chamber of Commerce building in Wilson. There were 12 first cousins & families from Oklahoma, Texas & Arkansas. All were decedents of J.M. (Mitt) Holaway, who farmed outside Wilson. While there we walked down to the Wilson Historical Museum & had a great time bringing back memories. My husband, Gene Brawley, was born on the family farm outside Wilson. Anyway, just pass along the word that the museum is great & enjoyed bringing back the memories.”  -Gene & Theresa Brawley

“My name is Karen Atkinson and I have a small column with the Daily Ardmoreite. History isn’t just my “thing”, it is my passion and what I love to write about as well as learn from. Recently, I have been offered a position in which to write feature stories pertaining to the citizens in Lone Grove. These would be stories that the people of Lone Grove would not only want to read but also to share their experiences or personal history of living in Lone Grove. Unfortunately, I seem to be having a difficult time trying to find these stories and I didn’t know if any of your followers/readers had any personal stories or family history stories that they would like to share with me. I am also looking for anyone else who may also have stories or suggestions of stories for Carter County pertaining to Ardmore, Simpson or Durwood. Any help from your followers would be much appreciated. I want the people of Carter County to have a voice in the history of the county and of their own history in the county. If anyone does have any information they can contact me via email at [email protected] or through my website http://www.ThoughtsFromTheRanch.wordpress.com/   where many of my stories on Carter County can be read.”  -Karen Crowson-Atkinson

“Just wanted to tell you that there is the annual Watermelon Thump in Luling TX which is the “only one in the world” or words to that effect!”

“Last week, My wife’s grandson was installing a mount to hold our tv over the fireplace in our home. His little 1 year old boy was involved with the installation. He was running around all over the living room picking up his Daddy’s tools and trying to help. He kept picking up a claw hammer and when his Dad would see if him, he would tell him, “Tripp” don’t pick that up Son, you will drop it on your toe. This triggered an old memory. I was the world’s worst for getting my daddy’s tools and in the process, end up losing some of them. His hammer was my favorite. And now the rest of the story. (Sorry Paul Harvey) After I had left home and married in Texas, I corresponded with my folks by letter. No computers in those days and Long distance calls were expensive. One day, in our local paper, their was a cartoon called “Out our way”. It showed a Man and his Son having a discussion. And the Mother and Daughter were in the Back ground. The Daughter ‘s is telling the Mother isn’t that nice, “A Father and Son communication”. And the Mother says, “It’s only your Father trying to get His Son to tell him what he’s done with his Hammer”. This was so funny and real to me, I cut it out and sent it to my Dad. And lo and behold, he had seen the same cartoon in the paper. He cut it out and sent it to me. I still have the copy he sent me framed and stored somewhere. Wish I could find it to attach to this tale.”  -Ken @ Wilson

Re: fried pies.  “Well, it is not really in Ada. When you get off the Chickasaw Turnpike (east end of turnpike, south of Ada), and you are at the T intersection, they are set up there on the side of the roadway. The ladies at a Roff, Oklahoma church cook the pies each morning at 4 am. They will be hot in the morning when you buy them. YUMMMYYYY. Just $2 a piece. I bought 5. Ate one on my way back from Tulsa today, gave one to my mom, and just might have to have one for breakfast in the morning. I drive to Tulsa all the time and have been seeing them there. I finally stopped today. You will definitely want to try them, and I bet you go back.”  -DeAnn

“Didn?t know whether you knew this?
The model for ?Tommy Trojan? statue at University of Southern California (USC) was of Russ ?Racehorse? Saunders from Ardmore, Oklahoma. He played for USC in 1930?s, was one of John Wayne?s friends.”



“Butch, I am interested in any info you or any of your readers may have on the old Hill top cafe that used to be on commerce I believe. Does any one have any photos of the place. they could share. when did it close? and when was it torn down? My dads mom used to be a waitress there in the 70’s if I remember right. Any info is greatly appreciated.”  -Lissa  [email protected]

“Does anyone remember the old Ardmore electrical power plant? It may have been a coal fired plant. I believe it was near the railroad tracks about third Street SE. There was a large cooling water pool at third and C. SE. It would be interesting to learn about such a power station. It was there as late as 1953. The whole substation area was a cement pond about five feet deep filled with water that was kept clear and pristine. As a kid, I was told that those red brick buildings to the west were part of a generating power station but my memory is dim. We were told not to go near the pond since there was no way to get out if one got in. That area has changed. There was a Mom and Pop grocery store at  the corner of 3rd and D street SE. Building is gone now.” -Jerry

Old Tishomingo, Oklahoma swinging bridge (no longer there)https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos13a/TishomingoSwingingBridge.jpg

“Hello Butch. I’ve never contacted you but have been researching my family and found some photos of children in school at Cliff School or Madill School, I don’t know which and the date is probably around 1930-ish. Do some of your wonderful Readers know something about it? I love to read your news because it helps me know how my mother’s family must’ve lived.”  -JoAnn in Arizona

Quit slamming the screen door when you go out.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Save on long distance calls, just a couple cents a minute!
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website
Ardmore School Criterions

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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