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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 18  Issue 927 October 30, 2014

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 580-490-6823

November 10, 2001 T&T newsletter:  “Last Saturday morning my neighbor, Bill Landrum, along with Tony McCall, and I rode out to Sherry Lake in a 1930 Dodge Brothers sedan of Bill’s. Sherry Lake is about 12 miles east of Ardmore on Highway 199. It was a great ride too, at 45 miles an hour! We traveled to the end of Bynum Road next to Sherry Lake (just over in Johnston County)  to Tommy Johnson’s place. Tommy Johnson is carrying on a tradition, a craftsman of the highest caliber. He’s got a shop all set up to re-do wooden spokes in antique car wheels. He and his son started the trade 9 years ago when they needed to repair the wooden spokes in a Model A Ford they were restoring. One thing led to another, and soon they were making new hickory spokes for other people who were restoring old cars. I emphasize hickory, because anyone in the know, knows it’s the only hardwood to use in making spokes, according to Tommy. Here’s some photos we took of his shop and tools used in making spokes.”















Follow-up:  This week I saw Bill Landrum’s 1930 Dodge car parked in front of his house in the 300 block of F Street SW.


This is a close-up of the wooden spoke wheels made by Tommy Johnson back in 2001.


There are very few businesses in the U.S. that restore and make wooden spokes for old classic and vintage car wheels. Tommy Johnson east of Ardmore is one of those few craftsman who can make wood spokes.


I have called for the pledges on the Hutchison memorial to be placed at Healdton, Oklahoma.  Nearly all have responded with their checks by this issue. We are almost there, after a couple more pledges come in, then we can place the granite monument order with Wilson Monuments in Lone Grove.  Thanks everyone for making this possible.


I received a pleasant surprise this week the good old fashion way, an envelope by way of the United States Postal Service.  A Reader in Tulsa sent me a photo taken in downtown Ardmore.  The back of the photo has 1905 written in pencil. Thanks Maryann.


Received an update email on 10/22/14 from Brad and Nellie in Australia about their cross country trip.

“Butch, We are continuing to move eastwards, spent a couple of nights in a National Park at S23?58’39” E122?07’11”. Really pretty coastline however there has been a lot of rain and some of the roads that we wanted to travel have been cut. Albany was an interesting town, oldest in Western Australia, settled in the 1820s but surprisingly people didn’t settle the surrounding areas until the early 1900s. Whalers were the first Europeans into Albany and whaling continued until 1978. Sandalwood gatherers were the first into the inland areas. As for photos would love to oblige but I can’ attach photos from the tablet but Nellie is trying to send a photo of our travelling set up from her phone. From here were travel to Norseman and then the Eyre Highway across the Nullabor Plain, 1300km (870 miles) of treeless nothingness, one straight goes for 147km (91 miles) without a bend. Packing up to be done and rain approaching, talk to you soon.” -Brad and Nellie

Brad and Nell’s camping set up.


Mailchimp worked fine last Thursday on my newsletter mailout.  I now have a better way, and still free, way to send them out. And I have a Sign-up form on my website to make it easier to start receiving the T&T.  And on each Thursday night’s email there is a Unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.  Better all around for me and the 1,600 subscribers.


The Daily Ardmoreite October 13, 1930
Less than five minutes after M.E. “Babe” Pruitt, 40, Berwyn constable, had died Sunday afternoon from gunshots wounds inflicted by Semi Roberts, 36, Claude Pruitt, brother of the dead officer, had extracted summary and sanguinary vengeance on Roberts and provided Carter County with one of the most sensational incidents in its long and bloody record of crime. Late Saturday night, Babe Pruitt and Cecil Crosby, officers of the Berwyn community, staged a raid on a dice game near Berwyn. Roberts showed resistance, grabbed a gun and shot Babe Pruitt. Babe Pruitt returned fire, his bullet blowing through Roberts’s right lung. Brother Claude Pruitt, reached the hospital at almost the same moment his brother died. When he learned that Roberts was still in the building, the brother shot at Roberts four or five times. Roberts took off running. The brother was loaned a car. The car hit Roberts full on. The brother then pulled two guns and shot Roberts. Roberts died after being shot five more times.

I have moles digging tunnels all over the place, so this week I’ve declared war on them.


Today is would have been my mother’s 101st birthday.  She was the best mom a guy could want for, always putting me first and herself last.  I love you mother.


Below are a couple pavers I sandblasted the past week.




Q. The inventor of the Nautilus exercise equipment found in most gyms and health spas around America was from what Oklahoma town?
A.  Arthur Jones grew up in Seminole, Oklahoma

Q.  John Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath”, begins its story in what Oklahoma town?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of October 28, 2000:

“I remember all those great places! I had a blast with the talking parrot as a kid at the drive in on So. Washington. It was where a little bbq place is now. They also had a gum machine out front that if you got a certain color gum you got a free ice cream. My Grandpa spent I don’t know how much money one afternoon until I got the gum for the free ice cream! I’m sure he could have bought several ice creams for the price of the gum…LOL! My Grandfather is Denver Lewis, and he ran the Avalon Supper Club from before I was born until it burned the second time in the late 60’s. I remember when the Superdog came out with the Icees too! We thought it was so neat to have a drink that didn’t spill easily….(sure, but we were just kids!). Weren’t the Super Dogs fabulous?! I wish Ponders would come back with those! How bout it Ponders?”
“Butch, In reference to the “spoons in the persimmon tree,” my mother showed us children how there is a knife, fork or spoon in the persimmon seed. You carefully open up the seed and you will see a knife, fork or spoon-shaped growth inside. Until you check it yourself, it is hard to believe! We had fun with this! I didn’t care much for the persimmon fruit, but I liked checking out the center seed! I don’t remember her telling us that you could forecast the weather with it though.” The mentioning of Colvert’s Dairy also brings back memories to me. I lived in Durant for a few years and there was a Colvert’s Dairy there too. I still have some large cottage cheese containers with the Colvert’s info on the lids. And also I have a large, flat, aluminum ice cream spoon with the Colvert’s name on it. I think about the area everytime I use it – I’ve been gone about 35 years! Thanks for keeping us informed about things in our area.”
“I remember quite well the little drive-in with the parrot out front. Can’t recall the real name of it, but we called it “The Parrot Place”. They had these little meat pocket pies that were a real treat. I also remember Cooper’s Corner gas station and car wash. I went to school with the Cooper’s son, Ty, and made it a point to give them my business up until they closed. Once again, thanks to you, Butch, and all your readers for bringing up some great memories.”
“Butch …..We look forward to Saturday mornings to read your latest T&T and always enjoy them. Since I was raised in Ardmore and apparently somewhat older than some of those who write you, I may be able to answer some of their questions. First, there was a question about the community of Glenn. It was located in the SW corner of sec 3 T3s R1e. That is three miles west of the intersection of US hwy 77 on Springer Road.

Next, there was a question of the killing of a lawman by Wiley Lynn. I believe the lawman’s name was Crockett Long. The story goes that he was shot four times by Lynn but managed to shoot Lynn who died 12 hours later. The widow and children of Lynn became highly respected citizens of Ardmore and some of them are buried in Ardmore.

Next someone wrote about the gun factory north of Ardmore. There was such a factory and I believe Lumberman’s Mill occupied the property. The gun factory was called Hoffman Arms and made some of the best rifles ever. The man who ran the factory was named Dubiel. The factory was closed about he beginning of the great depression. I believe some of the Dubiel family still lives in Ardmore. I had two older brothers who worked there Keep up the good work and keep those interesting letters coming.”

Note: August 16, 1925  First Week of Operations; May Exhibit at Fair. The Hoffman arms factory began work making rifles and shotguns last Monday morning. Although quite considerable was accomplished the first week, yet there is much to be done before the factory can be operated to full capacity, according to men in charge. Within a week to ten days it is expected that everything will be running smoothly and rifles and guns will be ready for the owners bearing the Ardmore factory stamp. During the week just passed the Oklahoma State Sheriffs association held a convention in Ardmore and all the delegates visited the factory and inspected the rifles and shotguns. They were a unit in expressing surprise at the quality of guns turned out by the Hoffman Arms company. The Hoffman Arms company not to be outdone, donated a fine high grade rifle to the winner of the pistol contest. This was won by Deputy Sheriff Stein of McCurtain county.
“Butch, Re: The hamburger joint on the east side of lake Murray Drive about a block east of Colverts Dairy was probably Honest John Hubble’s. I was driving a route truck for CB Hunt, who was the local Morton Foods distributor when the place opened. That would have been in late 1958 or early 1959. I also called on a place on south of there just shy of the underpass on the west side of Lake Murray Drive, called Means drive-in. I eventually married a girl that car hopped there named Kaye Pritchett, in the same time frame.”
“The Lake is “Texoma” not “Texhoma.” One of the first things that was drummed into my head as a reporter. Texhoma, with an “h,” is a town in the Panhandle on the state line between Oklahoma and Texas. The high school is in one state, lower grades in the other. The legislatures of the two states made provisions to allow for this.”

Gas prices today in the Ardmore area……


Non-ethanol gas (pure gas) stations in the Ardmore area.


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“Educated Hamburger had lettuce, tomatoes, and Mayo. We always had onions it on them too. You could also order them with cheese. This how those of us at Calvary Presbyterian thought my old friend.” -LaVeta

“As owner of 7 Travel Agencies my brother visited 200 countries before his death last year at age 82, but he never mentioned any of the mountain ranges throughout the world. Enjoy. They are spectacular! Take your breath away in two weighs, lack of O2 and excitation…an excellent balance.  Many are in the Americas such as Yosemite, Grand Canyon, etc.  I am curious as to the length of time to build the various lodges?  Yellowstone did not make the list. Another is Mt. Rushmore which I have often marveled, especially after ?North By Northwest?.”  -Revis Wilsonhttp://www.tripstodiscover.com/21-most-stunning-mountain-resorts-around-the-globe/21/

“In your Vol 18 Issue 925 you had an email from someone who said his grandfather was E.W.Clifton .Could you tell me how I could get in touch with him or have him get in touch with me. My grandmother, Alice Clifton Linder, might be E.W. Clifton’s sister. I am not sure of the relationship but we had a relation named Easter Clifton. I would like to see if this might be the same person.”  -Herb Linder [email protected]

“THE 6 MOST NOTORIOUS CASES IN OKLAHOMA” By Kent Frates. $30 delivered to your front door. Contact Herman Kirkwood in Oklahoma City at Oklahoma Outlaws Lawmen History Association[email protected]


“I believe if you check, you will find that the first coin operated, do it yourself car wash was developed by Jack ‘Buzzard’ Thompson and was located next to what use to be Frank Crosby Motors at Main Street and Broadway Y. If my memory serves me, it cost 25 cents for 3 minutes. His brother, Mike Thompson still resides in Ardmore.” -Dale Young

“Butch, you asked a while back about a good place to eat in Gainesville. I recommend Mendez Bakery in Gainesville. I love the tamales!  It’s great!”  -Judy

Gene Autry Volunteer Fire Department fund raiser Saturday Nov 1st

“There seems to be more nuts this year. My walnut (not my favorite) tree has bushels of nuts and looks like your acorn do in your picture below.” -LaVeta

“Ok, Monday afternoon while out in the field doing E911 addressing near Cargo and Range Road in NW Carter County, I was confronted by 5 vicious dogs! They took after my work vehicle trying to tear it apart to get at me. I love dogs but this was ridiculous!”  –Shelly Stahlbusch






The ballot is stronger than the bullet. -Abraham Lincoln

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter county schools, past and present
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
Feel free to forward this free newsletter. Mailouts: over 1,600.