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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 19  Issue 977  October 15, 2015

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 580-490-6823

I dropped by Jerry’s Gun Shop here in Ardmore this week and visited with Steven Harris, the proprietor since his father, Jerry, passed away. The original store was kind of small and cramped for space so Steven recently added an addition to make way for a lot more inventory and Ardmore history. Did I say Ardmore history?  Yes I did, that was my primary reason for stopping in this week besides looking at one of the largest collections of guns for sale in southern Oklahoma and north Texas. You see, Steven has been collecting Ardmore memorabilia for many years and has quite a collection of history from the bygone years of this city.

Steven has traveled far and wide through the years in his quest to collect and preserve Ardmore’s history. Outside of the Greater Southwest Historical Museum here in town, Steven has done a fantastic job gathering the Ardmore memorabilia from individuals not only here, but all over the United States and bringing it back to Ardmore where it belongs.   

This is a picture of the new addition from the outside.


An overall view from inside the store.


There are quite a number of photos below I took, and worth the time to look at. So enjoy.


This is the Gunsmith section of the building.


This old gravity feed fuel pump caught my eye.


I love the bead board ceiling.


Steven has one of the original “Friend” Indian statues from the 20s and 30s that was seen in front of many gas stations around southern Oklahoma back in those days. There was even one at Turner Falls.


Here is a picture I took of the Ardmore pharmacy bottles.



This is a collection of bottles and other items from Colvert’s Dairy.


Primrose Dairy


Frank Berryhill Tin Shop


Sheriff Floyd Randolph pistol and other items.


A close-up of Sheriff Randolph’s badge.


Sheriff Randolph’s office desk.


Luke’s Music store sign.


If you’re in Ardmore, stop by and see Steven at his gun shop at 715 Grand Ave. He is a collector extraordinaire of Ardmore’s past.

September 1931
All highways will lead to Lone Grove, Friday evening, as the Southern Oklahoma Masons will be conferring Master’s Degrees in the open air as was done by ancient brethren in the time of King Solomon. Arrangements have been made to close the highway south out of Lone Grove to all but Master Masons. Guards will be stationed at each end of this section and will not allow entry to anyone who is not a member. Four beeves are to be barbequed to serve the 1,000 or more Masons expected to attend “at a beautiful spot” one mile south of Lone Grove.

September 1955
Robert Denney is about the busiest young man in Lone Grove. He’s a driller for Noble Oil and City Constable on the side.

September 1964
Oklahomans observe a legal anniversary on September 1. In 1959, on September 1, retail liquor store owners legally opened their doors. With the event came cheers from some, boos from others, and cries from bootleggers who had prospered for years on the sale of illegal booze.

A Reader asked if I had the Priddy’s Salad Dressing mentioned in last week’s newsletter. Yes I do. It was sent to me over 10 years ago, so here it is again.


A few pavers I sandblasted the past week.





By using the combination of TruVision and a probiotic I am really seeing some good results.  The probiotic is building up the friendly flora in my stomach, and the gut fat is fading away. If you really want to get rid of that belly fat I truly believe the probiotics is the way to go. Just give me a holler if you want to lose weight the TruVision way. “I’ll meet you at the Walmart mailbox!” Join us and check it all out at the link below.




Someone mentioned to me their electric bill is larger in the winter than in the summer because they have an all-electric home. Electricity is their only way of heating the house in the dead of winter. That’s all the more reason to own a Okie Power Saver. And OG&E continues to report each week I am in the “Efficient group”. I have only been placed in this group since I installed my Okie Power Saver. My Okie Power Savers, are also a FULL house surge protector.


Q.  What is Oklahoma’s official state poem?
A.  Howdy Folks by Will Rogers Poem

Q.  Where in Oklahoma was the first permanent white settlement?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of October 13, 2001:South of Lone Grove, Oklahoma is the community of Cheek. I talked to a friend this week who’s kinfolk lived in that area around 1900. He told me some details of the area I thought I’d pass along to everyone. Just northwest of Cheek there was an Indian village where it is reported one of the last battles between the Indians and military Calvary troops took place. He told me there is natural flint just southeast of the Indian village where they used the flint to make arrowheads. Also just north of the this area is where a stage coach crossing was located. There is a story that a stash of gold was hidden in the area by bandits who held up the stage coach there. If you Copy and Paste the following GPS in Google maps or Bing Maps it will take you to the approximate location:  34.103566, -97.312622  It’s is on the west side of Bull Creek.

“Butch, I found this in my old pictures. It was probably taken in the late 1920s. Long before it became Gene Autry. My grandfather L. L Franklin was the “Station Agent” there for many years. He was telegrapher, and ticket agent, whatever was needed for the old A T and Santa Fe. Thought it might be interesting to someone.”
“Would anyone know the issue date of the Life Magazine with the Ardmore High School picture? It was either 1949 or 1950 and have seen one but do not know the date it was issued. Information would be appreciated.”
“Butch, I have just made my 2nd batch of the Priddy’s Salad Dressing and I encourage everyone to try it. Thanks again for making it possible to get the recipe.
“Hi there, Butch!! I changed my e-mail address last week and didn’t get your newsletter today. I am cryin’ the blues!!! I look forward to your report every Saturday and enjoy it very much. I am an Oklahoma native, born in Pauls Valley and still have lots of relatives who live in and around that area. Please change my e-mail address in your book. Only when I know you have done this will I stop “cryin’ the blues”, and feel whole again!!!”
“Hi Butch, Wow, did I ever get a big surprise in the mail on Saturday. I do not know how you knew that I had lost all the stored files of your T&T that was in my computer in the past 4 years. I had a complete file until Friday evening when I tried to load everything in my new computer on Friday. I had lost every thing I had saved. I still do not know what happened but it is gone. Then in the mail on Saturday came this disk from you. Everything I had lost is now back in my computer. Many thanks for the disk. I will cherish it. I will also let Jerry Lewis view it while in my presence. I will not let him tough it though. Hahaha. You are a true friend. I just wish the world was filled with “Butch Bridges” and we would not be having the problems we have today. Again, Many Thanks from the bottom of my heart.”
“My Great-grandfather was Robert Lee Amonett. He is buried in the Linn Cemetery about 8 miles from Madill Oklahoma. He was murdered in 1914. His daughter Minnie Amonett Stogsdill died in an accidental kerosene fire in 1921. I have included newspaper clippings from both tragedies. I was wondering if any of your readers know anything about either or both of these? Also if any one knows anything about the Amonett’s in Marshall county?” – D. Miller


Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“It was great seeing my Ardmore History research mentioned again in your newsletter. The document you posted was not the final version, which has additional events, a bibliography and index. I have attached this final edition.” -Mark Coe (note: the file below was saved in MS Wordpad)


“You need to drive out that way west of Davis and see if any of the Grant family still lives on the property where Fort Arbuckle stood, if so, they can provide you with a little history. When we were kids (teens), the chimney was still there; worth the drive if you have the time.”  -Poss

“Butch, Just found your grocery store page – brings back lots of memories! The Sooner Food you listed at 12th & N. Washington was a Dicus in the late 70’s – early ’80’s. It was in the same shopping center with Gibson’s and Bill and Barb’s. When Mountain View Mall was first built in the early 80’s, it had a Winn-Dixie in the south end. I can also remember birthday cakes from Elles’ Grocery and the deli in the back of Luke’s IGA (and the mechanical horse ride out front which is now in the museum!) Glad to see you are keeping a record – keep up the good work.” -Luciana

Last week I wrote about the 1966 song by Stuart Hamblen “What Can I Do For My Country”. Stuart Hamblen’s (1908 – 1989) most popular song was, “It Is No Secret What God Can Do”. The original manuscript of which is buried in the cornerstone of one of the Copyright Buildings of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., and which has been translated into over 50 languages around the world and was the first song to ‘cross-over’ becoming #1 in Gospel/Country/and Pop categories and starting the trend for ballad style gospel songs. Here is how the story goes: One night while at party, Stuart was cornered by John Wayne who found his new-found religious zeal hard to believe. But during a conversation with the actor, Stuart remarked off-handedly, “Well, it’s no secret what God can do.” As Stuart was leaving the actor’s house that evening, John walked up to him and told him he should write a song about the comment he had made. That chance remark led to It Is No Secret (what God can do), a tune that provided a Top 10 country hit not only for Hamblen, but also proved successful for Red Foley with the Andrews SistersJo Stafford, and Bill Kenny and the Song Spinners. Later, Elvis Presley, Jim Reeves, and the Jordanaires recorded it and it became one of their best known Gospel hits.

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Follow me on the TruVision lose weight program
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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