PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402
Email: butchbridges@oklahomahistory.net, Phone: 580-490-6823
The Ardmore Daily Press
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Saturday, May 2, 1925Police Cars to Be Equipped With Sirens
The police department are thinking of installing sirens on all cars owned by the city policemen in order that they may proceed with haste in making an arrest. At the present time the officers are sometimes delayed in answering a call due to the fact they are held up by traffic congestion.
The car of Fred McNeely is now equipped with a siren similar to the ones on the fire trucks. If this system proves satisfactory more cars will be equipped with sirens it was stated at the police station yesterday.
January 1934
One hundred and fifty dump trucks to operate 12 hours a day with alternating shifts of drivers are needed at once at Lake Murray. Four steam shovels are already on the job their work augmented by 2,800 men and construction machinery. That has created a demand for trucks that to date has not been filled. Plows, fresnos scrapers, graders and other excavating devices are also being delivered to the lake site for immediate use.January 1934
George Strawn of Wilson says if the new engine, which utilizes compressed air for power is a success, it will put every gasoline station out of business.January 1934
Sportsman in this county led by the National Rifle Association are preparing to fight any legislation proposed during the current session of Congress which might impose unreasonable restrictions on the right of an honest citizen to process any kind of gun, except for a machine gun, for his protection or for sporting purposes.January 1958
Carter County Commissioners announced plans to construct a four-lane, free-access, highway on U.S. 70 east and west of Lone Grove. It will approximately 7.5 mi in total and extend to the bayou without a limited access feature as originally discussed.January 1983
The Lone Grove Police Department is back to full strength with the addition of Ted Montgomery as the third officer. Montgomery and David Dalton are temporary. Chief Bill Malone who made the appointment of Montgomery to fill the position, said 30 applications were received by the City to fill the position.January 1915:
The Oil Refinery at Ardmore took the first run of oil this week. It is reported that the dynamite explosion here last Friday night was plainly heard two miles the other side of Healdton.Mule skinner: The mule skinner was a professional individual sometimes called a teamster whose sole purpose was to keep his wagon pulled by mules under control and moving. The mule skinner actually rode one of the mules and guided the entire team with a single rein which was called a jerk link. An experienced mule skinner knew the personality of every one of his mules and could make them into a magical running machine whereas an inexperienced teamster found them to be obstinate and stubborn.
A couple of sandblasting projects I did this week.
Q. Where in Oklahoma can one take a hike to the site of a plane crash back in 1968 where remnants of the crash are still scattered around the ground?
A. Mount Lincoln in the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge near Lawton, Oklahoma
http://www.okwreckchasing.org/unknown1.htmlQ. What were the first 2 towns in Oklahoma to incorporate in 1873?
A. Answer in next week’s newsletter
Below is from This and That newsletter archives of March 16, 2006
I was talking to someone this week about the big cotton patch someone planted each year under the 5th Ave Viaduct when I was a teen back in the 60s. I’d ride my bicycle there to ‘steal’ a few cotton balls and I remember one year getting in a goathead sticker patch next to the cotton patch by the railroad tracks. Boy, I ruined both tires on my bicycle. I haven’t personally seen a goat head sticker in many years, and guess they are still around the Ardmore area. Here is a pic I found on the internet of a goathead sticker.
“The Sylvan Goldman story brought back an embarrassing moment. I was working as plant nurse and secretary to the manager of Folding Carrier (the company in OKC who manufactured the grocery shopping carts owned by Mr. Goldman). A very sharp and good looking gentleman walked into our front office wanting to see the manager and named him. I kindly told him he would have to wait because the manager was in a meeting with a union personnel. The visitor looked at me and said, “I said I want to see him now” and proceeded to the office manger’s door. I jumped up and got between him and the door and said,”Sir, I am sorry, but the manager cannot be disturbed now”. He replied, “Do you know who I am” and I replied, “No, it doesn’t really matter, you or no one else will be seeing the manager until he is finished with this meeting.” The visitor began to laugh and introduced himself as Sylvan Goldman. He later offered me a job in his office because he knew I was such a good watch dog. This was in 1957 and I shall never forget it. We became friends and continued working with his young sons at that time.” -Ann Phillips
“Ref: This & That a few weeks ago. I stumbled onto a concrete street marker at the corner of “C” & 7th NW today. I don’t remember the locations that you gave in your weekly mailing. I have past that corner for years, but had never really seen the concrete marker until you had your article regarding those concrete markers used a long time ago.” -Doug Morris
“Butch, I think maybe I’ve been through Hugo a couple of times in my life, but it does bring back to me an unusual story that my father, Elmer Carr, told back in the 50’s. My Dad was a good friend of Raymond Gary when Raymond ran for Oklahoma governor back in the 50’s. As a result of Dad helping in getting Raymond elected Dad was given a position on Oklahoma’s economic development board trying to bring industry into Oklahoma. Another person on this commission was a banker friend in Hugo by the name of Charles Hassing. Charles being a banker was far wealthier than our family and traveled a good deal during Gary’s years. Charles was placed on a committee to improve U S Highway 70 though our state. While on this committee he was in New York at the time the old movie “To Hell and Back” was premiered in New York. So of course Charles made the trip to the movie, but didn’t leave until he placed one of his improve US Highway 70 bumper stickers below the advertisement of “To Hell and Back” at the theater which of course said “Take Highway 70 all the way”. This is a true story.” -Michael D. Carr
Ardmoreite Obie Johnson acquitted of the murder of Henry Guess at the Blue Front Cafe. Here is the article about the February 2, 1947 shooting from the Daily Ardmoreite:Obie Johnson was acquitted of murder charges in connection with the death of Henry Guess in the district court Friday, as Judge Monroe presided.
Johnson was charge with shooting Henry Guess to death in front of the Blue Front cafe on Caddo Street, February 2, 1947. The defense headed by Joe Ben Champion and Wilson Wallace of Champion, Champion and Wallace produced witnesses who testified that Johnson acted in self defense of his life and business.
Guess had caused trouble in the establishment several times, and had been told to stay out of the Blue Front, which is owned by Johnson’s uncle Earl Mann, according to testimony. On the night of February 2, Johnson had asked Guess to leave and in the argument that followed it was testified that Guess pulled a knife on Johnson, and the later was forced to shoot to protect his life. Alvin Bruce and Joe Culp represented the State in the case.
The Ardmore Computer Discussion Circle will meet on Tuesday, March 21 at the Ardmore Public Library from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. I have my laptop connected to the internet at the Library so we will have an opportunity to search the internet for information applying to any topic that we may discuss. This meeting will not have a focus point but will be a general discussion of any topic which may be brought up. Come talk, listen, learn, and teach !!! -William Stanton
————————————————————————Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..
“Butch, I grew up in Marietta, but was in Northeast Ardmore a good deal. My grandmother lived in 800 block of 4th NE; my aunt and uncle owned Hickman’s Grocery on 3rd NE. Know from reading your This and That Newsletters that your grandfather owned Carmon Lumber in the neighborhood.
Have been in Dallas-Ft Worth area for a number of years, specifically Southern Denton County. Was cleaning out my garage over the weekend, found this nail apron I’ve had for a number of years. Thought you’d remember this one as well. -Jerry Jones
Trolley car stop at NW 17th & Classen, Oklahoma City. Built in 1917. The center median on Classen was where the trolley ran. For those familiar with the Classen Circle, where Horn Seed used to be, was the turn around for the trolley to go back into town. -Cecil Elliott
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Saturday, March 10th
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.Depot District Merchants
Butch here is a couple of pictures when the Washita bridge had burned east side of the Ardmore Airpark. They had a walking bridge for a while before the Bailey bridge was built. That is my grandfather Frank Rountree and my cousin walking on it. -Doug Williams
Another piece of Ardmore history came down this week. The old Randolph Saddle Shop at South Commerce and Myall Road.
My name is Sam, and I found your newsletter online when I was doing some research about my family. I am a descendent of the Colvert family who used to run a dairy in Ardmore, Oklahoma. I just wanted to say thanks for the nice articles about the dairy. I’ve been on some nostalgic kick lately and reading some of the notes that you posted or others posted on your site about the dairy have been so fun to read. I’ve created a page today on Facebook called Colvert Dairy Fan Club. Check it out, or even promote it or whatever that would be awesome. Thanks again buddy-sam
From my newsletter Oct 2006:
“Thank you for the Colvert story and pictures. When I was just a soda jerk at Wade Drug, here in Healdton…. we really enjoyed dispensing Colvert’s products. Mac McCharen was our delivery man and we looked forward to him coming into the store regularly to deliver the products. He was such a jolly fellow and a good friend to all of us jerks. In those days Colvert Co. would do anything for their dealers. I remember they painted a huge picture of their name and products on the side of our building at no cost. (*this was later on when I owned part of Taylor Drug) But back to the soda jerk days –we really liked to be called fountaineers or Fizzicians instead of jerks. Ha. One time Colvert took all of the fizzicians in Ardmore and the surrounding area to OU for a fountain seminar. They taught us how to make everything look more appetizing, how to make whipped cream for toppings, how to keep down waste of material. Just a better way to make everything we served more acceptable. How to improve our participation in customer relations etc. It was an all day seminar and my good friend Bill Raper who was working at that time either at Langston Drug or Cantrell McKnight….not sure which……was the only other participant from Healdton. The Colvert Brothers took us up there in a caravan of cars and we had a great meal at a restaurant on our way back to our homes. . Most of us had never been treated so royally. I would like to remind you that Bill Raper was the father of Linda Lambert, who lives in Healdton, but at that time he was single and very young. We were presented a diploma, which made us feel better about our job, and just a little more important. Not just a soda jerk, but an important cog in the business of the drug store.” -Kenneth Eck
———————————————–The mountains are calling and I must go. –John Muir (1838 –1914)
Butch and Jill Bridges
“Friends Make Life Worth Living”PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443
Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website