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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 28 Issue 1,426 May 30, 2024

Betty Stone was the Ardmore cemetery recorder years ago. I could not find her on Find-a-Grave. But I would like to know more about this lady. Maybe someone reading this will remember Betty and tell us more

John B. Smith and his wife. Mrs. Smith became known as Aunt Sallie Smith. The couple lived in a house next to the Presbyterian Church of Ardmore.

Howard Stewart and his son Dan Stewart of Healdton

HAM Talk by KC5JVT via Echolink

The Bordom Beaker Net is held everyday, 7 days a week from 12 noon to 2:00pm Oklahoma time out of Claremore, Oklahoma

From this week’s Mailbag

I’m cleaning my parents home and found about 25 of these in the attic and some closets. They are fire extinguishers. It can’t have more than 3 cups of water in it. Home was built in 1960, assuming they were put in then. They have a fire extinguishing agent in them. The fuseable link falls out when heated and sprays the liquid out. Don’t break it! If it has carbon tetra chloride in it as the extinguishing agent it has been outlawed. -Jake

Butch, I just read your T&T this week. The pictures of all the sheriffs sure look like the ones in the Gene Autry OK Museum. Don’t know if they are the same ones but I think they may be. Just thought you would like to know. The museum is currently closed. Keep up the good work.

Below is from my newsletter dated
May 26, 2001 – Issue 214

On Thursday May 24, 2001 the first wedding was performed under the new pavilion in front of the Carter county courthouse in Ardmore, Oklahoma. The Honorable Charles Tate performed the ceremony. The bride was Jessica Poss and the groom Phil Caro, both of Ardmore.

Last Tuesday the old 1926 Frisco steam Locomotive rumbled into Ardmore. She was beautiful! And I imagine she was the longest passenger train to come through Ardmore since the mid 70s when the last one came through. She had 9 passenger cars behind the engines and water car!

“Butch, My Mother told me that about l932 or so she was “sitting” with a friend at the old VonKeller Hospital (picture below). A young boy was brought in by a farm family some miles west of Ardmore, in a farm wagon. He had a ruptured appendix and after nearly a month, he went home by the same transportation a healed child. So without today’s medicines, some good practice was carried out in that hospital. I DO ENJOY your column.”

The VonKeller Hospital was located where CVS Drug Store is located today.

“Butch, I worked at Will Roger’s ranch ( a Calif. state park ) for a little over four years back in ’75/79, and came across this picture of Will’s favorite horse, Soapsuds. Thought you and your subscribers might get a bang out of seeing it. He was a very interesting man, and I became aware of a lot of little things the general public didn’t know about him and his family. How many people are aware that he was the mayor (honorary) of Beverly Hills,and was among the elite of Hollywood society in those days. But he was the “real McCoy “; a down to earth guy and proud to be an Oklahoman. He said “When the Okies came to California, it improved the population of both states”. I’ve got to agree.”

“hi butch, i have a small antique shop in durant. we know a lady who wants to sell her old dining room set. on a small plate on the chairs it says Sneed Furniture of Ardmore, Oklahoma. have you ever heard of this company & would you have any information about when they were in business? i dont think we will be buying the set as it needs work but we told her we would try to find out some information that may help her sell it. thanks.”

“Butch: Here is an old Church bell which was used in early day of Perry, Oklahoma. It was in the Bill Munger family in Perry for many, many years as was stored in their barn when I was a kid, about 65 years ago. One of the early day Munger’s was a preacher and the bell was used at his Church. The bell now stands in front of the First Baptist Church in Perry.”

“Down their ditches for a thousand years the waters grew Ira’s people’s crops, Till the white man stole their water rights and their sparkling water stopped. Now Ira’s folks grew hungry and their land grew crops and weeds, When war came Ira volunteered and forgot the white man’s greed. Well they battled up Iwo Jima Hill – two hundred and fifty men, But only twenty seven lived to walk back down again; When the fight was over and Old Glory raised, Among the men who held it high was the Indian – Ira Hayes.” -Performed by Johnny Cash, 1964

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore, Oklahoma