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Home of the This and That Newsletters

Vol 20 Issue 1005  April 28, 2016

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email:  [email protected] , 580-490-6823

Last Friday 125 people assembled at Ardmore’s Greater Southwest Historical Museum to remember the 83 souls who died April 22, 1966 near the Gene Autry airport in a plane crash. There were 15 survivors of that terrible crash back in 1966 and 5 of them were guests of honor at the museum. It was a beautiful tribute and emotional afternoon as those 5 survivors told of their experience that rainy evening, and a couple dozen others including a number of family members of those who died. As everyone sat quietly listening to the stories hardly a dry eye could be found in the room. I am so proud to have been a part of the tribute and thankful to meet personally those 5 survivors, and the family members of those who died. Near the end of the meeting I gave the 5 survivors plaques I sandblasted in remembrance of that fateful evening. I even had a plaque for a 6th survivor in Tennessee who was unable to attend.


Photo of the 5 survivors, left to right: Dennis Heins, Virginia; Rosalia Tobias, Texas; Danny McNutt, California; Ted Edwards, Montana and Terry Mayers of Nebraska.


Another photo of the survivors standing taken at the museum.


Below is a link to more photos like those above Doug Williams took the day of the tribute at the museum.

This is maybe 2 or 3 still working payphones in Carter County. This one is located at the Ardmore Municipal Airport at Gene Autry, Oklahoma. The phone requires either 1 dime or 2 nickels to make a call.


March 1932
E.S. Hillman, Tommy Dollar, J.M. Treece, and Lee Kramer, described as well known farmers, were arrested by Constable Cecil Crosby on charges the men disturbed religious worship at the Presbyterian Church at Baum Sunday evening. According to Crosby, the men are alleged to have fired shotguns and attempted to ride horses into to the church.

March 1932
When Robert Short, daring American aviator, was shot down by 6 Japanese aviators while he was flying a Chinese plane over Woosung. It brought a new sorrow into the life of Olive Belle Hamon, daughter of the late Jake Hamon, Oklahoma politician and millionaire, who was shot in an Ardmore hotel in 1920. The two were engaged to be married. The fortune her father left her has diminished and Miss Hamon is trying to recoup her fortune and that of her mother by Vaudeville engagements. Miss Hamon plays 18 musical instruments. Her stage name is Loma Worth.


March 1956
The wolves that plagued livestock and poultry owners in the LonE Grove community are to be attacked from a new angle on Saturday. Wolf hunters of the Southern Oklahoma Trail Hounds Association have scheduled a “day light” hunt to begin at daybreak. All hunters are invited to take part. Hunters with hounds but not guns, will flush the animals. Hunters with guns, and no hounds will be stationed in areas of the community where wolves are known to travel. A special committee composed of Ed Taliaferro, George Westbrook, Ned Hammitt and Duffy Young are handling arrangements. The hunt will assemble on the Robert Mitchell farm northwest of Lone Grove.

I keep forgetting Lowe’s has a recycling station. Light bulbs, batteries and plastic bags.


KFOR TV out of OKC was in Ardmore this afternoon. I won’t say yet what’s it’s all about until after Galen Culver’s segment Is This A Great State Or What airs on the KFOR TV station.

A few pavers I sandblasted.







You can find current gas prices for a particular Oklahoma town by entering the name or zip code in the GasBuddy search box.


In the summer months 60% or more of your electric bill can be attributed to the air conditioner running day and night to keep your house cool. Several of my friends have found out how to reduce those high electric bills by maybe 15% or more. The Okie Power Saver takes difference of the watts you are being billed for, and what you are actually using, and recycles those watts. The Okie Power Saver is a great way to reduce that electric bill and save money year round.


Q.  The USS Batfish sank 15 Japanese vessels during World War II, including 3 in just a little over 3 days. This has never been accomplished again, making it the most successful killing submarine ever. Where in Oklahoma is the USS Batfish on display?
A.   Muskogee, Oklahoma

Q.  The Philbrook Museum is a world-class art museum. The expansive grounds contain elaborate gardens inspired by Villa Lante, an Italian country estate north of Rome designed by Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola in 1566. The gardens are the perfect setting for an enchanting walk. Where in Oklahoma is the Philbrook Museum located?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of April 27, 2002:

“The Ardmore Historic Preservation Board in Ardmore has set a beautiful marker on Main Street designating the location of the old Randol Hotel. The Randol Hotel is where Ardmore oil millionaire Jake Hamom was shot by his mistress, Clara Smith Hamon in 1921. Hamon died from his wound. The Randol Hotel was owned and operated by R. L. Randol (1854-1939). R.L. had a son named Robert Luther (Jul 24, 1891 to Dec 17, 1966) and the husband of my great aunt, Eva Carmon Randol. (Eva and my grandfather, Stanley Carmon were brothers and sisters.) I remember going to Robert Luther and Eva’s home in Ft Worth during the 1960s as a kid. Luther, we called him Luther, worked for the Star Telegram newspaper in Ft Worth for over 30 years. The Randols are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery at Ardmore.” -Butch
“Butch on the person sending the information about bodark trees and horse apples that brought back memories. That is how we pronounced it but the spelling was bois d’arc. It was a French name for the tree. The tree had a red center and wad used to make bows with as it was very strong.”
“Dear Butch, I held back from giving my opinion on the 13 year old girl as at the time the girl being 6 years old did not make sense. I think it would be fine to help him find the information as long as he is aware of the circumstances of his birth and the fact she may or may not chose to meet with him. My parents separated and my father chose not to have contact with me and it left a great gaping whole in my life. Yet while he turned down my overtures to talk with him and meet with him when I was twelve, twenty years and two heart attacks later he was ready for some closure and to meet with me. It was neither joyous or a wonderful reunion. I found out I didn’t much care for him, I also met some siblings who I didn’t care much for either. Still I learned allot of family medical history and eventually a more full genealogical history which has helped me to at least understand my family better. So a magic wand wasn’t waved and I didn’t end up having wonderful new family. What I do have is a gapping hole that has been filled and a better understanding of who I am and where my family came from and what medical issues I need to attend to. Now as a counselor I would suggest he be prepared for some very strong feelings to occur and to have a strong family network and or resources where he can safely discuss the issues and feelings he has if and when he does find her mother. The need to fill up the void often reaches a point where people can’t move forward until this particular sandbar is crossed. In truth he has already made the decision to search and unless as an adult she has specifically expressed a request she not be contacted then there is no reason for you not to. How she may have felt at thirteen may be very different now and she herself may have a void to fill and wonder how he turned out and is her child ok. Still you have to chose what you feel comfortable with. You wont stop the son only slow down his journey if he is really determined if you chose not to participate.”
“My great uncle, Russell Bard Brown (1889-1970) grew up in Ardmore and practiced law there until about 1930. In an article about Russell’s life in the Tulsa World at the time of his death, it had the following to say: “It was while he was a lawyer in Ardmore that Brown came into conflict with Buck Garrett, one of the last of the colorful, two-gun “peacemakers” in Oklahoma. Garrett and his cohort, Bud Ballew, had established a nearly indomitable political machine in Carter County, allowing lawlessness to run rampant in the surrounding oil towns while they fortified their own strongholds in the county seat. Public sentiment turned against Garrett, a Tulsa newspaper reported, when a woman visitor from Duncan was “mistreated” on an Ardmore street. Brown reportedly initiated ouster proceedings against the lawmaker with a speech to an audience that included Garrett in which he attributed Carter County’s troubles to its own law enforcement office. Brown was appointed by the Governor to conduct the proceedings, and despite numerous threats against his life, he succeeded in deposing the sheriff in one of the last of the two-gun towns in the southwest.” When Russell Brown left Ardmore he moved to Washington D. C. and served for 30 years as the general counsel of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA). Upon his retirement in 1960 Gordon Simpson of Dallas who was then president of the IPAA, commended Brown’s service to the oil industry by saying: “For almost a third of a century, Russell Brown has demonstrated a gifted perception of the problems of the industry to which he has dedicated his life. He has fought it battles. He has been its spokesman. He has been a companion to hundreds of its leaders. He has become known as ‘Mr. IPAA’.” -Dick Lindsly – Frisco, Texas
“Butch–just finished reading the T and T for this week—it is really interesting to this transplanted Oklahoman! Often you have stories about food –they make me hungry–things just tasted better at l6 than they do at 70. Anyway, about five years ago I was in Okmulgee and had some fried zucchini at a cafe called The Silver Dollar, they served it with a little cup of what tasted like Ranch Dressing to dip the zucchini in. It was delicious and I later wrote my brother and asked him to go by and beg for the recipe—he wrote back and said they were out of business. I know Okmulgee isn’t near Ardmore but I think The Silver Dollar may be a franchise and they could be in Southern Oklahoma or one of your readers might happen on one while traveling—if so, I would so appreciate getting the recipe for the fried zucchini. I would appreciate it if you could ask your wonderful readers to be on the lookout for that recipe.” -sammie binkley
“Hello Butch, I just wanted to praise the fine writing and stories in your This n’ That column. You mentioned Anastasio’s Pizza Parlor That used to be in Broadlawn Village. I have lived in Brantley addition for 29 years now, and I well remember Ansastasio’s Pizza, which was excellent. It reminded me of the pizza, that I got while stationed in Germany during the 60’s. it had the same great quality and taste, of courses those pizza parlors in Germany were operated by Italian families. I also would like to comment on Broadlawn Village, I delivered mail at Broadlawn Village for over 12 years, and have seen quite a few changes in the little shopping mall. After Anastasio’s closed, due to health reasons of the owner, several other people have tried putting in an eatery of some kind in the same location. Sadly none of these businesses survived for more than a few weeks. Broadlawn Village is still a great location to put in a business, but over and over I have seen people come and be gone with in a few weeks of trying to start a new business. Most of these people simply are not prepared to make the emotional or financial commitment to keep a business going. My wife Connie, and I opened a business in Broadlawn Village in 1995, “Yellow Rose Floral.” We love our location and being at Broadlawn Village. Most of the business that went out at Broadlawn were because the owners retired and there was simply no one to come in and take their place. I would love to see this great little shopping mall enjoy the same vitality it had when I moved to Ardmore in 1971, to go to work for the U.S. Postal Service. I would also like to take the opportunity to comment about Rue McClannahan. My first year with the Postal Service in 71, one of my many jobs as a new sub was to deliver Special Deliveries, We did this twice a day, early in the morning and late in the evenings when the mail trucks would arrive. One early morning I was sent out to Hurst Road, with a Special Delivery for Rue McClannahan. It was from Hollywood California. Rue McClannahan was waiting near the rural curbside mail box at her parents home there on Hurst Road. I had no idea who Rue McClannahan was at that time, and didn’t think anything about the Special Delivery being from Hollywood, Ca. She signed for the Special Delivery and I returned to my daily routine. I also delivered mail to her Mothers beauty Shop “Rue Nells.” on Grand Avenue. Of course with in a year or two after I had this un eventful encounter with Rue McClannahan, she was rapidly achieving celebrity status, not just in Ardmore, but on a National level as well. Thanks so much for clearing up that issue about the young girl who was 13 years old instead of 6 years old, that gave birth to a baby boy. I was beginning to think you were entertaining a career with National Inquirer. (Only Kidding Butch !) I enjoy your Weekly email very much and hope you keep it going for many years to come.” -Mike Jones
“The Dallas Morning News obituary section on April l9th, 2002 lists WWII vet, Wilbur Butcher “Spider” Webb who born and graduated from Ardmore High School. He joined the Navy in l938 and was on the USS Oklahoma when it was attacked in Pearl Harbor. He dived out of a porthole and started rescuing others. He later became a fighter pilot assigned to the USS Hornet. While circling a downed pilot near Guam he spotted 40 Japanese fighters in formation, radioed for help, and shot down five enemy aircraft before help arrived. Another time he swam a channel at Mountain Creek Lake in Dallas to rescue a Corsair pilot whose plane had flipped after sliding off a runway. He is survived by wife, Clio Pace Webb of North Richland Hills, Texas. Also a daughter and three grandchildren.”
“Butch, It was fun seeing the menu from Anatstacio’s Pizza. Since we lived about 2 blocks away, we went there real often, as I remember the pizza as being the best I’ve ever eaten. Man, do I remember when I was about 12, going there with a bunch of my friends for an eat all you can party. I can still feel the intense sensation when we left of being sure my body might explode any second. Tommy Anastasio was a real nice person. An interesting side story about Tommy. My dad (Dr. Lawrence Joers) and I were swimming down at pool at the old air force base, which was still used then. Tommy and his son happened to also be there. My dad and I were resting sitting on the edge of the pool, watching Tommy carry his son on his shoulders in the shallow end. Tommy started bouncing up and down in the water and accidentally ventured too close to the slope into the deep end. As he came down his feet hit the slope, and he started sliding right down to the bottom with his son on his shoulders, wrapping his arms frantically around his head and neck. Tommy pushed off the bottom and popped up and hollered, “help,” and down they went again. The first couple of times everyone thought they were playing and Tommy had it in control, bouncing up and down from the bottom, but on the third surfacing we knew he was gasping wildly for air and in trouble. My dad and I turned and looked at the young guy who was suppose to be the lifeguard, sitting there watching with his mouth open. My dad, in his early 60s wasted no time and dove in and pulled the boy from Tommy’s neck and brought him over to me, then quickly went back and helped Tommy to the edge. My dad was a small (but big in my eyes!) man and Tommy had to be twice his size. From then on, I knew my dad was a real hero, not just from all his medals and what I’d heard about him in WW2, but in my life. That lifeguard, he never moved from his spot, frozen with a dumb-dog look on his face. He may have still been there when they took out the pool years later. Butch, this newsletter is the most fun. I’m really glad I discovered it. Everyone has such great stories to tell, and you are a veritable fountain of information.” -Skip Joers

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

“I wonder if anybody has an old photo of the Ardmore Indian Territory jail showing the brass step after the fire. When they rebuilt the jail that same year they commemorated the jail with a brass step that had the year on it (1898). My dad had that brass step given to him by an individual who helped raze the old 1898 jail. this person kept the old step and later gave it to my dad who used it as a step on an old house he rebuilt. when he died my nephew became the new owner of the step. It is now in Texas. it needs to come back to Ardmore. an old photo or copy thereof needs to be with the step for the permanent return to Ardmore. It has no meaning to Texas. The step is solid brass with only the 1898 date on the face. There has to be an old photo out there somewhere – most likely when the construction was completed and the structure commemorated in some sort of celebration. A copy of the photo would be greatly appreciated. thanks to all for any help.”

Slide Show, Gene Autry, Oklahoma Taken 2008 -Cecil Elliott CLICK HERE

“Butch: The AHS Class of ’55 and Franklin Elementary School Class of ’49 still have fond memories of Franklin. Attached is our tribute.”  -David Dodd, Houston
The file is a PDF and requires Acrobat Reader to see.  8 megs so it’s a large file, may take a few to d/l.

“Butch, T&T usually raises an old memory with me but this issue, several. — Louise Riotte – Friend of my Mother, 1952 I visited her at her home corner E st & 11th NW to get advice about self publishing my “Modern Kentucky Rifle” DIY (eventually sold 50K copies). Got pretty well acquainted with Ms Riotte, she had been ‘ghost writer’ for well-known authors before she was famous in her own right. — 1930s elephants pulling circus wagons on B st. NW passing our house & I follow 3 blocks to (now Monroe) to see circus tent stakes being driven by men circled around a stake, striking in a timed sequence, about 3 times around to drive the stake – a memory of harmony of motion. — Colvert’s 1935 – I got 50 cents referral pay when my Aunt’s family switched to Colvert’s pasteurized milk after she got typhoid fever from raw milk. — Dr. Boyd 1930s – My G-Father would tell the Dr. thru a window his symptoms, Dr. pours a colored liquid over white pills. He had great faith in Dr. Boyd’s remedies — Gene Autry, OK – after I left Ardmore in ’42, name changed from Berwyn when movie star Gene Autry was buying a ranch in vicinity. People were disappointed when Autry never moved his HQ here. — Monkey Mascot 1923, Claude Atkins, was he of the New State Hardware Atkins? Before my time but I do recall mention of the monkey & remember the Atkins bros.” -Bob McCrory

Repost from last week since I forgot to include the link at the bottom.

“Hi there, Butch! I just wanted to pass my thanks along to you. Your website about the pallet shed was an inspiration to me. My friend John and I cleared some land in my back yard this past weekend (we celebrate Patriots Day here in New England, so we even had a long weekend), and in just a few days, we conquered the task of building this garden shed! We used your basic design, along with some of the suggestions you posted on the web page. Using uniform 48″x51” oak pallets, we ended up with a shed 12′ long x 8′ deep x 10′ high. It’s a bit taller than I expected, but the higher pitch should help to shed snow in our harsh winters.

I’m so glad you took the time to put your website together. It really gave me the confidence to dive in and try this project. This will be great for keeping my lawn / garden equipment tidy and out of the weather. I’m also thinking about adding on to the small out-building on the right side, so the kids can store all their bicycles.I was able to snap some photos during the construction process, and I posted them to a website. The link below goes to “PhotoBucket.com”. Thanks again!” -Steve

NOTE: By the way, my Pallet Webpage is the most viewed webpage on my website. So far this month it has been viewed 6,433 times. -Butch

“Oklahoma was the first state to honor its fallen law enforcement officers with a permanent memorial which was dedicated on May 15, 1969. There were 360 names engraved on the memorial when it was dedicated. Soon there will be a total of 837 engraved names. Further research has found that several of the officers on the memorial survived their wounds or were not line of duty deaths. The stories of those almost 800 confirmed so far can be found on the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Memorial web site.” -Dennis Lippe http://www.oklemem.com

155 Fallen Oklahoma Officers

Star Spangled Banner as you’ve never heard it.  (12 minutes)

Here are 3 scans of old postcards from Ardmore, Oklahoma. -Robert Hensley

Postcard of the Ardmore Oil Refinery.


Postcard of the Super Dog on North Commerce in Ardmore.


An asphalt mine 4 miles SW of Ardmore.


Gee whillikers! Jumpin Jehoshaphat!

See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Carter County Courthouse Paver Project
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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