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Vol 20 Issue 1030 October 20, 2016

PO Box 2, Ardmore, Oklahoma 73402

Email: [email protected], Phone: 580-490-6823

Pawhuska, Oklahoma is the county seat of Osage County and located in far north central  Oklahoma. A few miles outside Pawhuska on a lonely piece of property is a single grave. Buried there is Johnny Clare who died at the age of 20. He was born in May of 1890 and died in May 1910. His was not a quiet death, as he was thrown from his horse. Johnny was buried on the spot where he was found. At the time of his death, Clare was working as a cowboy for Dr. Hall on private ranch property. Though the decades his grave was almost hidden by overgrown weeds. In 2015 a Boy Scout and a couple others took on the initiative to clean it up, earning his Eagle Scout award.


For more info click here…..  Find-A-Grave

Horse Shoe Curve south of Turner Falls, Oklahoma on Highway 77.


Curfew Bell at Fairfax, Oklahoma.


September 1956
Ardmore’s second water well near Newport is nearing completion. Drilling has completed to 890 feet. This second water well is actually the test well for drilling 5 more, financed by recently approved water bonds. Negotiations for right-of-way for the 20 inch line from the well site in Newport is complete.

September 1956

Russell Brown, former county attorney for Carter County, was reminiscing about being one of the kids who chased the Sears Roebuck automobile when it was unloaded in Carter County in 1899, and was the first automobile in the county.

One of several bricks I sandblasted this week.


You can find current gas prices for a particular Oklahoma town by entering the name or zip code in the GasBuddy search box.


Q.  How many species of poisonous snakes in Oklahoma?
A.  Copperhead, Prairie Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, Western Cottonmouth, Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake, Western Massasauga Rattlesnake, Western Pygmy Rattlesnake

Q.  Is all of Oklahoma in the Central Time Zone?
A.  (answer in next week’s T&T)

From This and That newsletter archives of October 12, 2002

Speaking of books by local people, a Reader loaned me a book titled, “Selden Lindsey – US Deputy Marshal” by Harrell McCullough, grandson of Selden Lindsey. Harrell McCullough (1913-1999) was born here in Ardmore. As a child he lived at the end of South Washington, on the south side of McCullough Street SW. Now we know who the street was named after, his family! Badman Bill Dalton was killed near Pooleville, Oklahoma on June 8, 1894. Back then Pooleville was Elk, Oklahoma. Harrell is the grandson of Selden Lindsey. According to Harrell’s book, outlaw Bill Dalton robbed a bank in Longview, Texas then hid out in a cabin west of Pooleville (NE Carter County). Deputy Marshal Selden Lindsey went to Pooleville to arrest Dalton, and Dalton ended up being shot by Lindsey. There is a historical marker paid for and erected by Harrell McCullough on the property by the road where Dalton was killed. Selden Lindsey lived 2 miles east of Dickson, Oklahoma and then north next to Wolf Creek where it empties into the Washita River. I’ll have to get up to Pooleville soon and take a photo of that historical marker about U.S. Deputy Marshal Selden Lindsey. Harrell McCullough must have been one amazing recorder of history, wish I could have met him before he died in 1999. Here is a scan of Harrell McCullough’s self-published 300 page book.

I found the book on Amazon for $14 all the way up to $140 (new). CLICK HERE

Click here for—->  Seldon Lindsey’s gravesite in Ardmore, Oklahoma.
Two weeks ago I had a typo in my article about what they call the trunk of their cars in England. Across the Big Pond they call it the boot. And now you know!
“I am currently renting a 101 year old house in Ada, Oklahoma consisting of 18 rooms with a ballroom on the third floor. Needles to say, in it’s day it must have been spectacular. I am constantly hearing stories of murder and haunting and whatever else that goes with an old house. I was wondering if you had any information regarding 905 South Broadway, Ada OK. I was also hoping if you do would you share it, and if you do not, could you send me in the right direction. Our Local newspapers are not current with today’s technology and their archives can only go back 14 days. I tried the Oklahoman out of OKC but their search engine is extremely limited. Anything will be greatly appreciated.”
“Butch, There has been a lot of discussion recently in T&T regarding Washington Elementary, its teachers and children. I also attended Washington Elementary in the 1950s and have fond memories of Mrs. Whitmore, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Carson, Miss Norris, Mrs. Ringer, Mrs. Thompson, and Mr. Gilliam. I have attached a photo of Mrs. Ringer’s 5th class, made May 26, 1954. I am standing on the left end of the third row next to Tommy Jacobs. Mrs. Ringer is in the middle standing behind Charlene Ellis. Thanks for T&T.” -Doyle Williams https://oklahomahistory.net/ttphotos/washsc54.jpg
“After Sundown” By Lou Harper, Thackerville, Oklahoma

As the air seems to develop a chill and the mornings whisper of change, my thoughts turn to the mystery of Brown’s Springs once again.

Is there any truth to the tales that circulate? That is a question to be answered by each individual who visits the spring and the “Old Indian Cemetery.”

It is a place that time has forgotten, a place which has the power to draw you into its web of mystery, eager to learn its truths. You will leave no wiser, just more curious and perhaps a bit jittery.

I live just four miles from Brown’s Springs and I am familiar with the twisting dirt roads and trails which lead there as well as the more common route. Long years ago I trekked through the dense woods of that area on an autumn day. I came upon a sight I had never seen before. Two snakes appeared to be doing battle and finally one snake devoured the other! Perhaps that was an ordinary occurrence, but not to me when it happens near Browns’ Springs.

The area is an ideal habitat for snakes of all kinds. Those most important to watch out for are the deadly Copperheads and Rattlesnakes. It is their domain, not ours, and they reign supreme.

Far more disturbing than the natural dangers of that dark and gloomy place, are the whispered rumors of a creature which many believe to live there. The elusive Bigfoot! Despite reason and logic, this myth persists along with other, more present and worldly dangers.

Frequently described as an eerily silent place where no birds sing and no furry little creatures scurry about, one tends to constantly glance behind them to see if anything’s gaining!

The history of the site is truly bloody and brutal and this is part of its mystique. Tales of murder and revenge are intriguing. One can’t help wondering if all the violence is truly “in the past” or if, at any time, the violence might erupt again!

We love mysteries and, while we hope to solve them, sometimes we don’t really want them solved. Do we?

Are there evil spirits lurking in that dim silent place? When the photographs we take of the area are developed and show what was not in the scene before, do we shiver? Somehow, it is the photographs which, more than anything else have perpetuated the mystery of Brown’s Springs. Do the revealing photographs seek to tell us of events existing in other, hidden realms?

I once stood beside the bubbling spring when, suddenly bursting from the underbrush were several grim and pale faced men on horseback. Running beside them were the most ferocious looking dogs I’d ever seen, and they wore muzzles. To my polite inquiry as to what they were hunting, one stony-faced rider replied in a word; “Hogs,” then he and his brethren just seemed to disappear as quickly as they had appeared.

Not exactly a comfortable place to be, Brown Springs. Not too long ago I was told that, living in the lagoon across the road from the springs were alligators! I won’t believe that until I see it for myself, even though a trusted source gave me the information. I was also told that a very large python eluded its owner several years ago and resides somewhere in the area. A large python is another thing I wouldn’t want to meet in the woods down there.

We love to be scared as long as we can flee to safety if necessary. We keep going back, certain that we’ll find something really scary that we can tell everyone about. We know there is nothing supernatural or evil there, but just in case there IS, we keep going back.

As October advances and Halloween draws closer, the Brown’s Springs fever rises! The prospect of a walk through the fallen leaves (and tombstones) of the “Old Indian Cemetery” sparks our imagination and our spirit of adventure. But we won’t go there.. after sundown!
“Joe’s IGA was originally on Main street where the Chamber is now. Chuck Keeton had a store on Lake Murray Drive across from the coliseum. Brooks Food Liner was the original store where blockbuster is before selling to JC Luke. RL Williams had a store on Caddo where the electric supply is across from Key feed.” -Bob Bell
“Yo Cuz, Just wanted to let you know that I will be in OKC from 1 November through 9 November – coming in for the Bridges mini-reunion over at Furr’s Cafeteria in Midwest City. Hope to see you there – want to bring you the bell I promised a few months back.” -Ralph Leon Bridges Ford in Korea

Some mail from this week’s MAILBAG…..

Hi Butch, hubby & I found great burgers at Fat Bully’s. Located outside Sulphur, Oklahoma off Hwy 7 south at 3133 Chickasaw Trail Road about 3 miles, on the left, right before Guy Sandy boat dock. The old onion burger place. Burgers are super tasty, fries & onion rings are crunchy & delicious.

Click here for—- location on Google Maps

At the link below are 10 more scans of old photographs this week.       -Robert Hensley

Grandma’s Gun Range (pistols only)
55 Shadow Lane
Ardmore, Oklahoma
(580) 630-3322


“Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est.”
Latin: “A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer’s hand.”
-Seneca, Roman philosopher, dramatist, and statesman. 4 BC to AD 65


See everyone next week!

Butch and Jill Bridges
Ardmore Oklahoma
PO Box 2
Lone Grove, Oklahoma 73443

Vicious Dog Attacks in Oklahoma
Bells of Oklahoma
Ardmore High School Criterions Online
Oklahoma Bells: https://oklahomahistory.net/bellpage.html
Bill Hamm’s Cemetery Database
American Flyers Memorial Fund – Administration Webpage
Official American Flyers Memorial Website
Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base Website
Mirror Site of the Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Website
Carter County Government Website

All previous issues of This & That can be found on my Website.
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